VIII: Morning

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I woke up to something heavy on top of me. I slowly opened my eyes and I was welcomed by feline eyes. She smiled widely, showing me her famous gummy smile while directly looking at my doe eyes.

"Good morning, Lili." She poked my nose, which made my eyes widen.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I tried to sit down, which I successfully did because she rolled over on the bed. "How did you sneak into my room?"

She sat up, and she chuckled softly.

"Where is my good morning?" There is nothing good in the morning, especially when your ex-girlfriend is on top of you and staring at you while sleeping, which is creepy.

"Morning." I said in a low voice. "Now, answer my damn question."

"Jisoo-unnie will be fetching her Rosie. We will arrive earlier than usual because she is too whipped to Rosie that she even wants to have breakfast with her... I'm planning to wake you, that's why I'm here in your bedroom." She explained, and I sighed.

"Is laying on top of me and staring at me necessary?" She shook her head.

"It's not, but I found laying on top of you so comfortable. I'm about to sleep beside you because you are sleeping peacefully and that makes me want to sleep as well." I stood up from the bed and started walking to the bathroom. "Where will you go, Lili?"

"Bathroom." I answered shortly and grabbed my clothes.

Damn, that Jennie Ruby Jane Kim is weird, creepy, and strange. I guess she is not the same Jennie Kim that I met five years ago.

I headed downstairs after I prepared myself. I sat beside Jennie because I had no choice. The only seat available was beside her.

Jennie scooped some kimchi fried rice onto my plate, I gave her a small 'thanks' that made her giggle. We continued eating breakfast, and Jennie kept serving me some food to make sure I would get full.

Once we finished eating breakfast, we headed to the parking lot. 

I'm currently inside of Jennie's car. She interlocked our hands while she was driving. I just let her hold my hand because I don't want to make this kitten mad.

I started carressing her hand using my thumb, which made her smile widely. She was humming a song while we were waiting for the light to turn green.

"This is one of the best mornings." I heard Jennie mumble and when the light turned green, she started driving.


We arrive at KM University. She is still not letting go of my hand and I can see that she is thinking.

"What are you thinking?" I asked and checked the car door if it was locked. It was still locked.

"I don't want to let go of your hand because once I let go of it, I can't hold it anymore." She said with a little sadness in her voice.

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