Arrival at Beacon (Part 1)

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(y/n = Your name.)

Having recently been sent off to Vale by General Ironwood you make your way onto the ship along with several other students to make your way to beacon academy. While the ship began to take off your scroll began to ring. It was General Ironwood.

General Ironwood: Hello y/n.

y/n: General Ironwood sir.

General Ironwood: At ease cadet. You are not on duty right now.

y/n: Sorry, I mean hello General Ironwood.

General Ironwood: That's better. Now I'm contacting you to keep this a secret from the politicians here in Atlas. But there's more to your departure than I originally told you.

y/n: How so?

General Ironwood: I can't say it all over the phone so you're going to have to wait until I arrive at beacon during the Vytal Festival to hear the rest. But, I've been contacted by Professor Ozpin and he's informed me that there has been mob activity in Vale and we believe that this group may be associated with the White Fang.

You tensed up a bit when General Ironwood said this.

y/n: I see...

General Ironwood: All we know right now is that they've been robbing dust shops but not for money. They only steal dust.

y/n: What should I do?

General Ironwood: Professor Ozpin will give you more detail when you arrive at beacon for now you are just another student. Got it?

y/n: Got it.

General Ironwood: Good. Now, good luck at beacon I know you'll do well there.

y/n: Thank you.

General Ironwood hangs up and you're back to waiting for the ship to arrive. General Ironwood knew that you were a faunus but he also knew that it was best for the rest of the cadets to not know so that you would not be discriminated against. He always felt like a father to you... unlike your real father.

After being lost in thought for a few moments you were snapped back to reality by the sound of an excited nearby girl.

???: Oh I can't believe my baby sister's going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!

You turned around to see a blonde girl hugging a redhead girl who you assumed was her sister. The redhead girl was very embarrassed by her sister's embrace and pleaded for her to stop. The blonde girl let go and began to shower her sister with more praise only embarrassing the redhead girl more.

y/n: *chuckle*

After the sisters talked for a bit the news turned on revealing the name and face of the man who recently robbed a dust store. Roman Torchwick. Following that report came another news story came up about a White Fang attack at what was supposed to be a peaceful protest. You gritted your teeth at this and let out a small growl. But thankfully that story was cut short by a hologram of Professor Glynda Goodwitch welcoming the students to beacon.

y/n: Thank goodness.

After Professor Goodwitch greeted the students. You turned away from where the hologram was and waited for the ship to meet the dropoff. You noticed that the two sisters as well as the other students began to admire the view. You decided to join in believing it could help clear your mind.

After a moment you noticed a blond boy began to get nauseous as he began to look for a trash can. You followed him and pulled a trash can in front of him as he began to throw up. When he did you began to pat him on the back.

y/n: Happens to the best of us mate.

You noticed the two sisters laughed.

y/n: Hey we all come from somewhere!

The two sisters shrugged and left you two alone.

???: Thanks, man.

y/n: No problem. Like I said, "It happens to the best of us." Anyways what's your name?

Jaune: My name's Jaune. *Throws up again*

y/n: Just take it easy. My name's y/n.

Jaune: *gasps for breath* Well good to meet you.

Shortly after your meeting, the ship landed. After landing, you and the other students began to get off. While you were getting off you saw someone familiar coming off one of the other ships. Someone you knew before you were a cadet. But, you shrugged it off.

y/n: *Mutters to self* No, It can't be her.

*Disclaimers: First of all I know that Jaune threw up after they got off the ship I just did it like this because I wanted to. Secondly, I won't be able to post regularly. I'm starting up my next semester in about a week. Thirdly, I will include absolutely no smut/lemon scenes this is just gonna be about action, adventure, and of course romance between Yang and male reader. I do romance slowly so be patient. If anyone reading this series has any recommendations on how to improve this story feel free to let me know but I make no promises. Last but not least so I don't get copyright claims, the image of Yang comes from BlazBlue Wiki. The show RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth*

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now