The Emerald Forest (Part 2)

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After having defeated the four ursas you began to walk through the forest looking for a teammate. You kept your focus on your hearing so that you could find out where someone was. While you were listening you began to hear the sound of gunshots and trees breaking.

Yang: What!? You want some too!?

You push some bushes aside and look over in the direction of Yangs shouting and saw Yang standing before another ursa. Yangs hair was glowing gold and her eyes were red. 

y/n: *In head* Wow that's hot.

You then walk out of the bushes and just before you can greet Yang you hear another gunshot as the ursa falls to the ground dead with what looked to be Blakes weapon stabbed into its back and behind it you see Blake. 

y/n: *In head* Oh no. Blake's no doubt still upset with me.

Yang: I coulda taken him.

Blake stood there for a moment and looked at you and began to look at you with an angry glare. Yang noticed and looked over to where you were.

Yang: Oh hey y/n.

y/n: Hi yang... and Blake...

Yang then looked back at Blake and back at you. 

Yang: You know each other?

Blake: Unfortunately yes.

You looked down and began to scratch the back of your head awkwardly.

y/n: ...Yeah.

Yang: Ok, what's going on here?

You looked back up to Yang. 

y/n: Long story short... she dated my brother.

Yang looked shocked for a moment and Blake didn't seem to move at all.

Yang: Oh... I see. 

Blake: And he wasn't good to me and a lot of other people for that matter.

Blake seemed like she was about to cry but she was holding back her tears. 

Blake: Let's just go.

Blake began to walk away. You looked back down to the ground sad for how your brother treated her and Yang looked back and forth between the both of you concerned. Yang then walked up to you and held your hand. 

Yang: Hey. 

You looked back up to see Yangs face. You didn't speak because you didn't know what to say.

Yang: Look. Your not your brother. What happened to her isn't your fault.

You wanted to believe Yang but you still felt guilty for how Blake was treated.

Yang then began to pull you by your arm gently guiding you to follow her. You felt awkward holding Yangs hand but Yang persisted to hold on to your hand until you all came across the ruins Professor Ozpin described.

Yang: Think this is it?

Blake began to walk down towards the ruins and you and Yang followed after. You all entered the ruins and discovered several chess pieces on small pillars.

Blake: Chess pieces?

Yang: Some of them are missing. Looks like we weren't the first ones here.

y/n: Seems that way.

Blake: Well I guess we should pick one.

Yang picked up a white knight piece.

Yang: How about a cute lil poney?

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now