The Night Before the Initiation

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Thankfully when you made your way into the ballroom there were some good spots that weren't taken. You set up your sleeping bag near where Yang and Ruby were but, of course, you stayed on the boy's side so you wouldn't get in trouble. Ruby was writing what looked to be a letter and her sister Yang was lying beside her.

Yang: It's like a big slumber party!

Ruby: I don't think dad would approve of all the boys though.

Yang: I know I do! *Looks up to you* Especially him! *Mimics a cat purr*

You blush and smile at Yang's comment. Jaune then walks between the both of you in his PJ's and smiles at Yang.

Yang: Eww. *Turns to Ruby* What's that?

Ruby: A letter to the gang back at Signal. I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going.

Yang: Aww. That's soooo cuuuuutee!

Ruby throws a pillow at Yang.

Ruby: Shut up! I didn't get to take my friends with me to school. It's weird not knowing anyone here.

Yang: What about Jaune. He's... nice. There you go plus one friend. That's a one hundred percent increase.

Ruby: I'm pretty sure Weiss counts as a negative friend. Back to zero.

Yang: There's no such thing as a negative friend. You just made one friend and one enemy.

y/n: *In head sarcastically* Gee that's helpful.

Ruby throws another pillow in Yang's face.

Yang: Look it's just your first day. You've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet.

y/n: *In head* Wow she's a good sister.

Ruby then gets up from her sleeping back and looks across the room. Following her eyes, you see she was looking at Blake.

Ruby: That girl...

Yang: You know her?

Ruby: No. She saw what happened this morning but left to talk to y/n before I could say anything.

Yang: Well now's your chance.

Yang gets up and begins to drag Ruby towards Blake. You decided to face away from Blake because you didn't want her to notice you. You knew you promised you'd give her more answers but you wanted to clear your mind for now. But, your sensitive ears still allowed you to hear their conversation.

Ruby: Wait what are you doing?

Yang continues to drag Ruby over to Blake.

Yang: Helloooooooooo! I believe you two may know each other.

Blake: Aren't you that girl that exploded?

Ruby: Uh, yeah.

Ruby leans down and offers a handshake.

Ruby: My name's Ruby. But you can just call me crateeerr...

Ruby gives up on the handshake.

Ruby: *Sighs* Actually you can just call me Ruby.

Blake: Okay.

Yang: *Whispering to Ruby* What are you doing?

Ruby: *Whispering to Yang* I don't know. Help me.

Yang: So... What's your name?

Blake: Blake.

Yang: Well Blake I'm Yang. Rubys older sister. I like your bow.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now