The Battle at the Docks

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You, Blake, Sun, and Weiss all made your way to the docks. To make sure you could see what was happening without revealing yourselves you perched yourselves up on the roof of a nearby building. After a while, it looked like Yang, Ruby, and Penny all came over to the docks as well. You called out to them to get their attention.

y/n: Guys! Up here!

Yang placed her hands on her hips and looked up to you.

Yang: Guys!?

You shrugged but knew Yang was just messing with you.

y/n: Girls! Up here!

Blake: What are you doing calling out to them? You might blow our cover.

y/n: The shipment hasn't come in just yet. We've still got another hour.

Yang, Ruby, and Penny then all made their way onto the rooftop to meet up with you, Blake, Sun, and Weiss. Ruby pointed to Sun when she got up on the roof.

Ruby: Aren't you that stowaway from earlier?

Sun: Yep.

Ruby: So why are you with them? Plus who are you anyway?

Sun: Oh my name's Sun and I'm here because I decided to get to know your friend here better.

Sun points at Blake. Blake then blushed and held back a chuckle. You could tell what was going on but you decided not to butt in.

Yang: Good job finding her babe.

You and Yang then smiled at each other.

Blake: I never said I was coming back. I'm just here to make sure whether or not the White Fang is actually behind these crimes.

Weiss walked up to Blake with a strict look on her face.

Weiss: They better not be for your sake.

Blake looked back at Weiss angrily. As they stared at each other Ruby looked at the both of them and sighed sadly. When you saw that Ruby was sad you walked up to Weiss and Blake.

y/n: Girls please we're on the same side here. I know you two are still upset with each other but we need to work together here.

Weiss and Blake then looked at you and then back at each other and then looked away from each other again grunting. Ruby looked up and smiled at you for helping out and Yang winked at you and blew you another kiss.

Penny then looked at Ruby and pointed to Blake.

Penny: So this girl is the friend you're mad at?

Ruby: Ye- Well I'm not but clearly Weiss still is.

Ruby glares at Weiss for a second.

Penny: Is Blake Weiss' friend?

Weiss and Blake shrug at each other in response.

Ruby: Well it seems that's up in the air right now.

Penny: But why?

Ruby sighs in sadness and frustration.

Ruby: Well you see. Turns out Blake may not be who we thought she was.

Blake looks down sadly. Penny the gasped.

Penny: Is she a MAN?

You all looked at Penny confused.

Blake: What!? No.

Ruby: No. No, Penny she's...

Ruby then sighed again.

Ruby: I don't know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now