The Field Trip (Part 1)

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The next morning you and the rest of team RWBY all got up and got ready for the field trip. No one was informed in advance what the field trip was going to be but they advised the students to make sure that they bring their weapons with them because of the likelihood of encountering grimm. As you all began to make your way to the courtyard for the initial gathering you noticed that Jaune had what looked to be a large briefcase with him. You and the rest of your team were concerned with what he could have in it.

y/n: *Whispering* That briefcase could be what's holding the rapier wasps.

Weiss: *Whispering* Should we tell Professor Goodwitch?

Ruby: *Whispering* No. If we do Jaune will get in trouble too. He said Cardin had him on a leash. So we need to try and free him from it.

Yang: *Whispering* Ruby's right this isn't going to be easy. He needs to make the decision on his own.

y/n: *Whispers* She's right Jaune's being manipulated. So, we need to be there for him and get him to do the right thing.

You and the rest of team RWBY then nodded your heads in agreement as you all stood and waited for Professor Goodwitch to inform you of the field trip today.

Professor Goodwitch: Good morning students. As you all know we have a field trip today. Today we will be going to the Forest of Forever Fall. It is indeed a beautiful place, however, the grimm roam rampant in those parts which is precisely why each of you have been instructed to bring your weapons today. Now each of you are to take one of these glass jars for the assignment. I will explain the rest once we arrive. Come along now, we need to make sure we arrive before noon.

You and all the rest of the students all began to follow Glynda off Campus. While you were all walking into the forrets off campus you noticed that Ren and Nora tried to talk to Jaune, however, Jaune refused and instead went to talk with team CRDL. Pyrrha looked both sad and frustrated when Jaune refused to speak to them. Cardin then seemed to take advantage of Jaune even more and forced him to hold all the jars that were passed out to his team and make him hold the briefcase at the same time. Upon you and the rest of team RWBY seeing this Ruby spoke up to each of you.

Ruby: I'm going to talk to Jaune. Things aren't looking pretty.

You and the rest of team RWBY nodded in approval and Ruby then walked over to Jaune.

Ruby: Jaune! You can't let Cardin take advantage of you like that. You're a leader for goodness sake you need to be there for your team.

Jaune looked at Ruby with a sad look on his face.

Jaune: Ruby... I have-

Cardin then stepped between them and stood over Ruby.

Cardin: Listen ginger! I'm not taking advantage of anybody. Jaune and I are good friends.

Cardin then turned to Jaune.

Cardin: Right Jaune?

Jaune looked down with the same sad look on his face.

Jaune: ...Right.

Cardin then turned back to Ruby.

Cardin: Yeah. So you better be sure not to mess with us. Got it ginger?

You and the rest of team RWBY got mad as Cardin talked down to Ruby the way he did. Yang's eyes began to glow red as she growled and walked up towards him.

Yang: Don't you talk to my sister like that!

Cardin then grinned and turned to Yang.

Cardin: What you gonna do about it?

Yang then ran up to Cardin and you noticed that he smiled a little more as Yang pinned him against a tree.

y/n: Yang don't! That's what he wants!


Professor Goodwitch: MISS XIAO LONG!

You saw Professor Goodwitch walk through the crowd in front of all of you. She then proceeded to walk up to Yang.

Professor Goodwitch: If I see you put your hands on another student like that again, young lady. You and the rest of your team will be sent back to campus and be excluded from the assignment. Do I make myself clear?

Yang then stood up in shock that she fell for Cardin's trap.

Yang: B-b-but he.

Professor Goodwitch: Do I make myself clear!?

Yang then hung her head and shame as she responded.

Yang: ...Yes.

Professor Goodwitch: Good.

Professor Goodwitch then turned to Cardin.

Professor Goodwitch: As for you. I expect that you will be more respectful from here on out or else you and your team will be excluded as well. Am I understood?

Cardin then wore an apologetic expression that was obviously fake.

Cardin: Yes, ma'am.

Professor Goodwitch: Good. No come along now we still have bit of a hike left to go.

Professor Goodwitch then turned and walked away and you and the rest of the students followed behind her. Cardin then grinned at you and the rest of team RWBY to show off that he got away with what he was doing. Jaune looked at all of you as well but with an even sadder more defeated look on his face.

Jaune: I'm sorry guys.

Cardin then patted him on the shoulder in a somewhat aggressive manner.

Cardin: Come on buddy. Let's go.

Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha all watched in sadness as Jaune walked away with Cardin. Yang was still furious but was also upset that she actually fell for Cardin's trap.

Yang: I can't believe I fell for that.

Blake: He really is attrocious.

You then reached out and held Yang's hand.

y/n: It's not your fault. You were only standing up for your sister.

Weiss: And got us in trouble.

Weiss leaned forward with her hands on her hips.

y/n: Weiss, stop it.

Ruby: y/n's right Yang. You didn't mean to get us in trouble. You just have to be more careful next time.

Blake: We need to make sure not to play his game.

You put your other hand on Yang's faced and it up for her to look at you.

y/n: Yang. It wasn't your fault. You just lost control. I know how that feels.

Yang still looked sad but she seemed to get over it a little and gave you a little smile. She then leaned forward and gave you a kiss. She then layed her head on your shoulder and began to walk with you again.

Yang: Thank you.

y/n: Anytime.

You and the rest of team RWBY then proceeded to follow Professor Goodwitch and the other students deeper into the forrests.

*Alright this was pretty fun to write. It may be a bit till the next chapter though. I'm gonna have some tests this week. I hope you all enjoy the story so far! Thanks for all your support!*

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now