The Emerald Forest (Part 3)

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Once you made your way back to the rest of the group Jaune began to speak in a terrified voice.

Jaune: Guys... That thing is circling back... What are we gonna do?

Weiss: Look. There's no point in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us.

Ruby: She's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the cliffs.

Weiss and Ruby then nodded at each other.

Ruby: There's no point in fighting these things.

Jaune: Run and live. That is an idea I can get behind.

y/n: Not a bad idea. I don't want anyone else almost getting hurt like a few moments ago.

You looked at Ruby and Yang did too.

Ruby: Hey! I was... being careful. Look let's just grab the artifacts and go.

Anyone who didn't grab an artifact already went to the pedestals and grabbed one. Shortly after the deathstalker began to screech again and the ice holding its stinger began to break.

Ren: Time we left.

Ruby: Right. Let's go.

Everyone began to get going but you and Blake noticed Yang wasn't moving yet.

y/n: Yang?

Blake: What is it?

You noticed that Yang's eyes were focused on Ruby.

Yang: Nothing.

Yang began to follow the others and you and Blake followed her.

y/n: Your proud of her arent you?

Yang just smiled at you.

y/n: I would be too.

You and the rest of the group were making your way to the cliffs. However, so was the nevermore. Once the nevermore reached the cliffs it began to circle around. Once it did you and everyone else began to hide behind the pillars of the remaining ruins for cover.

Yang: Well that's great.

y/n: Looks like we might have to fight it after all.

The deathstalker then came crashing through the bushes and trees making its way to the group.

Jaune: Oh man! RUN!

You and the rest of the group then got out from behind cover and began to run towards the cliff again.

Ren: Nora, distract him.

Nora then ran out in front of the Nevermore dogging its incoming feather and pulled out a grenade launcher before she began to shoot at hit. The explosion from her grenades managed to disorient the nevermore, however, she was unaware of the deathstalker coming up right behind her. Luckily you, Blake, and Ren were there to protect her by slashing at the deathstalkers face. Weiss then swooped in and pulled Nora out of harm's way. Shortly after you and the rest of the group made it to a bridge connecting to a tower at the edge of a cliff. The deathstalker was starting to get close again so you, Pyrrha, Blake, and Ren began to shoot at the deathstalker to keep it from getting closer. However, its bone armor proved too strong for any of your shots to be able to hurt it. So, you and the other chose to turn and run to stay with the rest of the group. When you were all nearly halfway across the bridge the nevermore then crashed into the bridge splitting it in half. You, Blake, Ren, and Pyrrha all managed to land on the side furthest from the tower, while Yang, Ruby, Weiss, Jaune, and Nora landed closer to the tower. You and the others on your side did your best to hold off the deathstalker with your shots but they still proved ineffective. You then noticed that Blake attempted to get close with her weapon, however, the deathstalker simply swatted her away and she was rolling close to the edge.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now