Morning Struggles (Part 2)

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After a short while, the elevator made it back to the ground floor. As you got off you realized that several of the students were getting up as well. You saw a boy with long black hair dressed in green being followed by an energetic girl with red hair. She obviously had a crush on the boy but you tried not to pay attention to them and went back into the ballroom to gather the rest of your things. While you were doing so you noticed that Blake had tears still covering her face and you remembered the talk she and you had last night which only made your morning worse. However, as you gathered up your things you were surprised by Yang who was already up.

Yang: Good morning!

y/n: Oh... hello.

Yang seemed to be wide awake and had a big cheerful smile on her face.

Yang: Soooooo, wanna come to get breakfast with me and Ruby?

y/n: I don't know if I'm in the mood for it.

Yang: Oh come on. Don't be a stick in the mud. My sister would love to get to know you. I know I certainly would.

Yang then winks at you and giggles as you begin to blush.

y/n: Well... alright.

Yang: Great! Come on then.

You follow Yang and Ruby into the cafeteria and after you, all got your food you sat at a table across from Yang and Ruby. Ruby still looked tired.

Ruby: So, thanks for sticking up for me the other day.

y/n: Eh. Don't mention it. I never like to see people get mistreated.

Yang: Awww that's nice of you. So, why didn't you want to come here originally? 

y/n: I was just having a rough morning.

Ruby: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Yang: Were you in trouble? I saw you walking out with Professor Goodwitch.

You paused for a moment before answering.

y/n: No, I wasn't in trouble. The headmaster Professor Ozpin just needed to ask me some questions. 

Yang: I see. But, why not come to breakfast?

You propped your arm that you weren't using to eat with on the table and rested the side of your head on it.

y/n: I don't want to talk about it. It's pretty painful.

Yang's smile then disappeared as she began to look concerned. She then reached across the table and placed her hand on the hand you were using to hold your fork as she looked into your sad eyes.

Yang: Heyyyy... come on. You can tell us anything. I know that it might hurt but that's why we're here to listen. So that we can help you.

You looked back into Yang's eyes. They really were beautiful. Not to mention she was the only person that was genuinely nice to you since you came to Beacon. 

y/n: Well... I may not look like it at first glance but I'm a faunus and I have a twin brother who got involved with some bad people.

Ruby: Oh no. You don't mean-

y/n: The White Fang? Yes.

Yang: Oh my gosh that must be crazy.

y/n: It is. 

Yang: But then if you weren't in trouble what happened?

y/n: Professor Ozpin wanted me to give him information on my brother because... franticly... he's killed a lot of people.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now