Morning Struggles (Part 1)

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You go to bed feeling awful for what happened only moments ago. You thought about what Blake had said to you and how she told you that whenever she sees you she sees Adam. This hurt you terribly. But still, you couldn't blame her. You remembered just how manipulative Adam was to Blake and how he threatened her if she tried to run away. Just like how your father had treated your mother.

With these thoughts in mind, you began to finally drift off to sleep and began to have another vision of your past. In this dream, you wake up to the sound of police sirens. You got up and you saw that you weren't in Beacon anymore. You recognized the area you were in as an abandoned warehouse in Atlas. Not far beside you was your brother Adam.

Adam: They must have found us. Come on we gotta go.

You and Adam were 14 at the time and because you were both now orphaned Faunus in a kingdom that heavily discriminated towards both of you. You were forced to live in the shadows and steal to get by.

You and your brother Adam did your best to sneak out behind the abandoned warehouse, however, the Atlas police ambushed both of you. At the time you only had small knives to defend yourselves with so you were both forced to surrender.

You then woke up to Glynda Goodwitch who was shaking you in your sleeping bag to wake you up. You saw judging by the light outside that it had to be around 6 am. Glynda then gestured for you to follow her. So, you got up quietly from your sleeping bag and quietly followed Glynda out of the ballroom.

Glynda: I'm very sorry to wake you up an hour earlier than everyone else but Ozpin requested that we speak to you again in his office.

y/n: That's fine. I'm still used to the sleep schedule that General Ironwood used on me and the other cadets.

You remembered how General Ironwood had you and the other cadets train until 10 pm and have all the cadets wake up at 4 am.

Glynda: I see.

You and Glynda make your way onto the elevator.

Glynda: Personally I would've waited until after the initiation for this. I know that it's painful for you to talk about your past. But I assure you everything Ozpin does here is for the good of his students.

You remain silent on the elevator as it makes its way to Ozpin's office. Once you and Glynda get off you see Ozpin waiting patiently stirring his coffee.

Ozpin: y/n.

y/n: Professor Ozpin.

You walk up to Ozpins desk and sit down.

Ozpin: I know that asking you for more information so soon is painful. But you need to understand that this is for the protection of Vale.

y/n: I understand.

Ozpin: Good. Now you said before that you and your brother share the same semblance. Is that correct?

y/n: Yes.

Ozpin: So how does your semblance work?

You remain quiet for a moment before answering Ozpin's question.

y/n: Our semblance is a powerful one. With it, we can absorb energy and release it back to deal deadly blows.

Ozpin: That is indeed powerful.

y/n: That's not all. We can also use it to enhance our speed and strength.

Ozpin: I see so not only is your semblance powerful but it is also versatile. A deadly combination indeed.

y/n: It is.

You began to feel across your chest where Adam injured you. Ozpin looked at you with some concern as you did so but did not bring it up.

Ozpin: I'm sorry to dig in more to your past y/n. But, we need to understand what you and your brother went through so that we can figure out his methods and tactics.

Glynda: With all due respect Professor Ozpin he's already told us so-

y/n: It's fine!

Glynda stopped at your sudden outburst.

Glynda: Are you sure?

y/n: Yes. My brother needs to be stopped and in order for you guys to be able to stop him, you need to be able to understand him as well.

Glynda sighed and backed off before Ozpin asked his next question.

Ozpin: Thankyou y/n for going through with this. Now, General Ironwood informed us after your arrival here that you and your brother were previously arrested in Atlas and sent to work as laborers for the Schnee Dust Company is that correct?

y/n: Yes.

Ozpin takes a sip of his coffee before leaning forward.

Ozpin: So, how exactly did you and your brother escape?

You look down sadly at the desk and see your reflection looking back at you.

y/n: I don't like to remember the times Adam and I spent back there. Those times were... difficult to say the least.

Ozpin: I imagine so.

y/n: Yes. Not only that but it's also part of why I believe Adam is the way he is now. While we were there we were often beaten and the guards would mock us for our faunus heritage. One day I was being beaten for not meeting the agenda for the day and when Adam saw he attacked the guard with his pickaxe and killed him.

Ozpin listened patiently but you could tell he felt sorrow for you.

y/n: After that, the guards dragged Adam away and when I saw him again they had engraved the Schnee Dust Company initials into his left eye and he lost his eye as a result. We were supposed to get that engraved into us one day when we turned 18 but it seems they made an exception for him because he killed a guard.

Ozpin shakes his head in disapproval for what happened to Adam.

y/n: That's when he started to become cold. A few weeks later Adam devised a plan to gather up enough fire dust to create an explosion that would allow us a path to the boats so that we could hijack them and escape to Kuo Kuana. But...

Ozpin sat patiently waiting for you to continue.

y/n: In involved intentionally injuring the majority of the guards with the explosion as well. He said it was to act as a distraction, however, I could tell he was doing it out of spite.

Ozpin: Did you try to do anything to keep him from going on with that plan?

y/n: At the time I was so desperate for getting out of there that I didn't care what we had to do and several other faunus thought the same way. But, after we set off the dust and began to make our escape Adam began to try and kill some of the surviving guards. I was able to convince him to leave the guards be so that we could escape but when I did he said, "Why should we care about their suffering when they never cared about ours?"

Ozpin looked said when you said this.

y/n: I think that may have been when he finally snapped. When he finally let his anger and hatred consume him.

Ozpin saw that you were obviously overcome with emotion again so he gets up from his desk and puts his hand on your back to comfort you.

Ozpin: That's all you need to tell us for now. I think we have something to go off now. You are free to do whatever you need to get your emotions out now. But remember that the initiation is in 3 hours.

You make your way to the elevator trying to shut out everything around you on the way out. When you made it to the elevator you saw Glynda angry with Ozpin for making you talk about your tragic past hours before the initiation. But you paid no attention to them and let the elevator door cut them off.

*I hope you are all enjoying the story so far. I really appreciate everyone for reading so far and for the upvotes I've been receiving as well. Thanks for all your guy's support.*

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