Arrival at Beacon (Part 3)

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You and Blake walk into the speech room for Professor Ozpin's greeting. After entering you and Blake go your separate ways. Shortly after your stopped by the blonde girl you saw on the ship on the way to Beacon. When you saw her up close you realized that she was stunningly beautiful.

???: Heya! *Reaches out for a fist bump* 

y/n: I'm sorry who are you?

Yang: Name's Yang. Now come on don't leave me hanging.

y/n: *Fistbumps Yang* Well good to meet you. My name is y/n.

Yang: Well good to meet ya y/n. *Unexpectedly kisses you on the cheek*

y/n: *Your face gets red* Why did you do that?!

Yang: Because you stuck up for my baby sister of course.

y/n: Oh you saw me?

Yang: No she told me and I really appreciate it. My sister has a hard time making friends so please try to make her feel like she's welcome here.

y/n: Will do. I know how it feels when you think you don't belong.

Yang: Awesome! *Leans up to your ear* See you around. *Backs away winking at you and returns to stand by her sister.*

Still stunned by Yang's beauty and her interest in you, you watched as she began to speak with her sister. Picking up on their conversation you figured out her sister's name was Ruby. However, their quality time was ruined by none other than Weiss Schnee as Ruby jump into yangs arms.

y/n: *Under breath* Oh no. 

Weiss: Your lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff.

Yang: Oh my God you really exploded.

Ruby: It was an accident! It was an accident!

Weiss: *Talking too fast for anybody to understand while shoving a  pamphlet into Ruby's face* You want to make up for today? Then read this and never speak to me again.

Yang: Look you guys probably just got off on the wrong foot. Why don't you start over?

Ruby: Good idea! Hi Weiss I'm Ruby. Wanna hang out? We could go shopping for school supplies.

Weiss: Yeah! And we can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys. Like tall, blonde, and scraggly over there! *Points to Jaune*

Jaune: Huh?

Ruby: Wow really?!

Weiss: ...No.

y/n: *Quietly* Ouch. The other cadets were right she is an ice queen.

Weiss: I heard that!

Ozpin: I will... keep this brief. You've traveled here in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills and once you've finished you will dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy...

y/n: *In head* Ouch.

Ozpin: ...In need of purpose and direction. You believe that knowledge will relieve you of this. But you will learn here that knowledge can only carry you so far. 

y/n: *In head* Don't have to tell me twice.

Ozpin: It is up to you to take the first step.

Glynda walked up and took the microphone.

Glynda: You will meet in the ballroom tonight. Your initiation will begin tomorrow. You are dismissed.

The girls seemed confused about Ozpin's behavior but were interrupted by Jaune. 

Jaune: I'm a natural blonde you know.

You placed your hand on Jaunes shoulder.

y/n: *Sarcastically* Real smooth.

You began to make your way to the ballroom however you were stopped by Glynda. 

Glynda: Hello y/n. I'm sorry but professor Ozpin needs to see you. 

y/n: Alright then. *You turn to Ruby, Yang, and Jaune* I'll catch up with you guys later.

*Thanks to all of those who are reading my work. It means a lot*

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now