First Day of School

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You woke up to the sound of a whistle coming from the room next to yours where the rest of team RWBY was sleeping. You looked at the clock and saw it was eight in the morning. You then heard a knock on your door. You got up to answer it and on the other side was Yang.

Yang: Goooood morning! 

You smiled a bit and chuckled.

y/n: Good morning. Now was the whistle really necessary?

Yang: That was my sister. She gets pretty energetic. Anyways, how about you come and help us decorate the dorm?

y/n: So long as we're done in time for classes.

Yang: Eh don't worry we got time.

y/n: Alright just give me a sec to put on my outfit.

Yang: Alright.

You closed the door put on your school uniform and then made your way to the girl's room to help decorate. Ruby was incredibly eager to have the whole team together. Weiss was still on the ground because she was still getting herself together.

Ruby: Alright! Weiss, Blake, Yang, y/n, and their fearless leader Ruby. Have begun their first mission. Bonzai!

y/n, Blake, and Yang: Bonzai!

Weiss grunted and you and the rest of team RWBY began decorating the dorm. You helped set up posters with Yang and when you were both done with that you decided to help Blake with putting her books on the shelf because you both would rather be scolded by her than have to talk to Weiss. While you started helping Blake seemed to not acknowledge you and while you and she were putting books away you noticed she pulled out a book titled, "Ninjas of Love".

y/n: *Chuckling* You still have that?

Yang turned to look at both of you.

Yang: Have what?

Blake's face went crimson with embarrassment as she tried to hide the book.

Blake: Shut up! Look just please don't talk to me! Ok?

y/n: Ok sheesh.

Yang then patted you on the back to get your attention.

Yang: Why don't we decorate your room?

You knew Yang was just trying to break the tension but you agreed and you both went to your room.

You didn't have much to decorate your room with. However, you did have some posters of motorcycles that you liked. You had a poster of a Suzuki Katana, a Kawaski W800, and a BMW R 18.

Yang: Motorcyle fan huh?

y/n: Yep.

Yang: We'll get along just fine.

Ruby: Hey guys?

You and Yang both turned to look at Ruby.

Ruby: We're gonna need some help with the beds.

y/n: What's the issue with them?

Ruby: Well... they don't fit anymore.

y/n and Yang: What?

You all went back to the room the rest of the team stayed in and saw that the best were much too cramped to even be all the way on the ground.

Weiss: This isn't going to work.

Blake: It is a bit cramped.

Yang: Maybe we should ditch some of our stuff.

Ruby: Or we could ditch the beds... And replace them with bunk beds!

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now