The Emerald Forest (Part 1)

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When you made your way to Beacon Cliff the Professors instructed each student to stand on a line of platforms. You were positioned next to Jaune. You looked over the horizon and saw the Emerald forest. It was beautiful but you could hear the sounds of grimm lurking within the forest. But, you weren't afraid. You fought grimm all the time in your training so you knew how to take them down. Besides you've been looking for a good chance to use your weapons anyway.

Ozpin: For years you have trained to become warriors. Today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest.

Glynda: Now. I'm sure many of you have heard of the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates. TODAY.

Ruby: *Quietly* What? Huh.

Ozpin: These teammates will be here for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So, it is in your best interest to pair yourself up with someone with whom you can work well.

Ruby: *Quietly* Uhhhh.

Ozpin: The first person you make eye contact with after landing will be who you will be working with for the next four years.

Ruby now looked petrified.

Ruby: *Quietly* What?

y/n: *In head* But how will we know if we can work well with them?

You noticed Nora turned to Ren.

Nora: See? I told you.

Ozpin: After you've partnered up make your way to the northern part of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Be sure to destroy everything in your path, or you will die.

Jaune laughed nervously and gulped but Nora simply looked up to Ren excitedly.

Ozpin: You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation and our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair will choose one and return to the top of the cliff. You will guard that item as well as your standing and we will grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?

Jaune: Yeah, um sir-

Ozpin: Good! Take your positions.

y/n: *In head* Man. Didn't even let him finish.

You and everyone else readied themselves, however, Jaune was still trying to ask a question.

Jaune: Um sir. I've got uh... a question.

Weiss was launched into the forest.

Jaune: This whole landing strategy thing... What is it? You're like dropping us off? Or something.

y/n: *In head* Yeah... he's not gonna last.

Ozpin: No. You will be falling.

Another student was launched.

Jaune: Oh I see. Did you hand out parachutes for us?

Nora was launched into the forest.


Ozpin: No. You will be using your own landing strategy. 

Several other students were launched.

y/n: *In head* He's dead.

Jaune: Uh huh...

Yang then winked at Ruby and put on sunglasses before being launched.


Ruby was launched shortly after Yang. You then pat Jaune on the shoulder because you knew he was next.

y/n: It was nice knowing you Jaune.

Jaune: Wait! What!? What exactly is a landing strategy?!

Jaune was then launched into the forest screaming as he flew through the air and you followed not far behind. You saw Ozpin sipping his coffee smiling as he watched you and the other students approach the forest. You were sure Jaune wasn't going to make it past the landing but you saw Pyrrha saved him by pinning him against a tree by throwing her spear at him. You then looked to where you were going to land. You saw an ursa looking ready for a fight that seemed to be right where you were going to land. You then smirked and unsheathed Omega as you continued to fall towards the ursa.

y/n: Hmph. Found my landing strategy.

You then flipped in the air and kicked your feet out towards the ursa. The Ursa roared as you approached but you quickly shut it up as your feet landed on the ursa's face. The force of your impact drove it back and you jumped off its face straight up into the air. The Ursa then stabilized itself before looking up at you again letting out an angry roar.

y/n: See yah.

You then held Omega in both hands as you began to descend again and drove Omega between the ursa's eyes shattering the bone armor on its face as the blade then dug deep into the ursa. The ursa then flailed around while letting out a weak roar before falling forward with a big thud before dying.

y/n: Well. That's a shame. I wanted more of a challenge

You then hear some more roaring as three more ursa approached all around you.

y/n: That's more like it.

You could've easily killed them by shooting them with omega in gun mode but you decided to be up close and personal this time. So you then braced yourself with Omega and looked around at each of the ursas. They were each approaching slowly and attempting to circle you. So to avoid being circled, you goaded one of the ursas by smooching at it. The ursa roared with rage and lunged at you. In response to the ursa's attack, you sprinted towards it before beginning to slide on your back allowing you to slide under its pounce. While you were sliding under the ursa you drove Omega into its chest causing Omega to cut nearly its entire torso open. You stopped your sliding at the base of a tree and turned around to see the ursa collapsed on the ground letting out a weak roar before dying. You then looked at the other two remaining ursa and they were furious. So you gestured for them to come to you with your free hand.

y/n: That all you got?

The ursa's both then let out loud roars of anger before they both began to charge at you. While they charged they repeatedly pushed against each other in attempts to reach you before the other. Just before the one on the left then flailed its head at the one on the right causing it to be knocked away leaving you with just one ursa in front of you. The ursa then lunged at you. But, you simply smirked again as you ran up the side of the tree behind you causing the ursa to faceplant into the tree cracking the bone armor covering its face. You then did a backflip and landed on its back avoiding the spikes on its back before driving omega into the ursa's head between the cracks in its armor killing it. You then hopped off the ursa and walked towards the one that was knocked away.

y/n: Last but not least. You. 

The ursa snarled at you.

y/n: Oh come on. I'll go easy on you.

You readied Omega and began to charge at the ursa and the ursa charged back at you. But unlike the other two ursa this one then got up on its hind legs and attempted to slash at you with its right claw. You then rolled to the right side of the ursa to avoid the attack and drove omega into the ground to slow you down. You managed to stop right next to the ursas hind legs. You then pulled omega out of the ground slashed the back of the ursas hind leg causing it to stagger. While the ursa began to stagger backward you then climbed up its back and it responded by flailing around trying to throw you off its back. You then pulled yourself onto the back of the ursas neck and drove omega into the ursas eye. The ursa then began to roar in pain and began to flail around even more but you grabbed its snout with your free hand and drove omega into its head through its mouth. The ursa then let out one final roar of pain and fell forward collapsing. As it hit the ground you somersaulted off the ursa before standing up on the ground and brushing the dirt off your cloaths. 

y/n: Phew. I needed that. Now to find myself a teammate.

*Well I certainly had fun writing this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed the action. I'm looking forward to the next chapter as well. Thank you for all your support!*

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now