The Seperation

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You make your way out of the elevator and check the time on your scroll. It is 7 pm. Three hours before lights out. Your eyes were still red from your tears so you decided the best thing to do to keep people from asking questions was to go on a jog around campus before picking a space to sleep in the ballroom. You noticed a few other students were out jogging as well but paid no attention to them. Right now you were focused on getting your anger out. 

After about two hours of jogging, you managed to run about 11 miles and you were a sweaty mess. So, you made your way to the showers. You used the hot water to calm the nerves and after about 10 minutes you got out to get dressed. But just before you got dressed you decided to splash some cold water on your face at the sink. You then looked up at yourself in the mirror. 

*I'm not an artist so don't critique me too much*

You looked at your hazel eyes and white hair that you let grow out since you left Atlas

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You looked at your hazel eyes and white hair that you let grow out since you left Atlas. Then you looked down to see the massive gash on your chest that was left by your brother Adam since your last time seeing him. It's been a few years since then but you still remember what happened clearly. 

*Flashback to 2 years ago. You and your brother were 18 at the time.*

Adam, you, and several other Faunus were ambushed on the road on the way back into town bringing food and supplies by some human thugs. You and some of the other Faunus attempted to plead with the thugs so that they would let you go back to town. However, Adam showing no remorse ran up to the thugs and began to cut them down with his weapon "wilt and blush" one by one. Soon there were only three of them left. The path was almost covered in the blood of thugs that attacked your caravan. The ones that remained tried to run away into a nearby forest, but Adam began to chase them down. You knew now that he had no intention of protecting but he instead simply wished to kill them. You ran up at Adam with your own weapon at the time, a bastard sword. As Adam pinned down one of the thugs who was an older man to the ground while readying his sword to stab them. But you made your way to them and you managed to push Adam off of them.

y/n: Stop it! They're retreating just come back to town with us!

The thug began to run away again but Adam used his semblance "moonslice" to cut them down from a distance. The thug fell to the ground dead.

y/n: Adam! How could you!? They weren't a threat to us anymore!

Adam: As long as they're alive they're a threat to us.

You looked into Adam's eyes through his mask as he said this. In his eyes, you did not see anger you just saw coldness and apathy.

y/n: Adam w-what's happened to you?

Adam: You know it yourself too. As long as humans are around they're only going to cause us more pain. That's why they need to fear us. The same way we feared them.

y/n: Adam... How could you say that? What would Blake think if you started going place to place just to kill people?

Adam: They aren't people. They're monsters. Monsters that would hurt us any chance they get.

y/n: I can't let you do things like this Adam. I'm sorry but I have to stop you.

Adam: *Sigh* This is pathetic. How long are you going to be so naive?

The two of you began to clash your blades and after a few clashes, you met each other in a blade lock. You both then activated your semblances "moonslice" in an attempt to overpower one another. Adam cloaths, hair, and sword all glow red while your cloaths, hair, and sword glow white. The both of you push each other back about 10 feet from each other. Adam redied up the hilt of his sword which also functioned as a shotgun and pointed it towards you. You also reached for your side and pulled out a pistol and pointed it at Adam. You knew you couldn't deflect Adams's shots so began to try to circle him as you started shooting with your pistol. However, Adam began deflecting your shots, and as you started to move Adam began firing shotgun blasts at you forcing you to roll out of the way several times. After both your weapons ran out of ammo you began to charge at Adam. Adam readied himself and began to activate his semblance. However, you threw your pistol at Adams's face forcing him to deflect your gun. You then proceeded to tackle Adam and both of your dropped your weapons as a result. You then began to punch adam in the face again and again attempting to knock him out. However, you forgot that you and Adam had learned to prepare yourselves in situations like these. Adam then pulled a dagger out of his sleeve while his arms were under your torso. He then used his semblance and slashed at your torso breaking through your aura in the process. The slash left a major wound on your torso. After cutting into you Adam throws you off him.

y/n: Ahh! Dammit!

Adam then stood up and got his weapon before standing over you.

Adam: I'm not gonna kill my own brother. I know that these things are hard for you to accept but the only way we're ever gonna be free from our pain is by making sure humans can never hurt us again. Just like how dad hurt mom. 

y/n: This isn't the right way! This is exactly what dad would do! He took his anger out on us and now you're taking your anger out on everyone else!

Adam: *Looks down and shakes head* I'm not angry y/n. Not anymore. I just want the pain to stop.

Adam then leans forward reaching out his hand for you.

Adam: Come on y/n. I know you're tired of the pain too. Come with me and we can put a stop to it all.

You get yourself up off the ground and cover up your wound with your arm.

y/n: Not going to happen, Adam. You're not the brother I once knew you to be. I'm going to get stronger and I'm going to put a stop to all of this. Just you wait!

*Return to present day*

After being lost in thought of this memory you are snapped back to reality by the other boys laughing at you. You look around confused for a moment, but you look down and realize you forgot to cover yourself up with a towel. Your face went red with embarrassment and rushed to cover yourself up hoping no one took any pictures before going back into a safe place to get dressed.

After getting dressed you walk into the ballroom hoping that there were some spots left.

*Hope you are all enjoying so far I know that there's a lot of the first-person character's backstory but I just like to write story-driven things. I'm also using it to show that yang is the best option for the first-person character as well. That's just how I roll. I would really appreciate some upvotes!*

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now