The Pain of the Past

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The elevator opens and you and Glynda Goodwitch arrive at Professor Ozpins's office. You sit down in front of Professor Ozpin's desk you two begin to talk.

Ozpin: Hello, y/n. I trust you know why I've had you come here today.

y/n: I figured you wanted to speak to me about the group that recently robbed the dust shop. 

Ozpin: Precisely, and if you've seen the news you know that the leader behind the attack was Roman Torchwick. 

y/n: I saw. But, I feel as though there's more to it than simple dust robberies. Especially, if they really are associated with the White Fang.

Ozpin: Indeed we believe that as well. General Ironwood informed us that you were a former member of the White Fang correct? 

y/n: That's right.

Ozpin: And your twin brother is still with them if I recall?

You tensed up at this and looked away from Professor Ozpin.

y/n: ...Yes.

Ozpin: I know that your brother's choices to remain a part of a group like this is... painful for you y/n. But, we need to-

y/n: *Snapping your gaze back at Professor Ozpin* I'm fine. To be honest I wasn't surprised that my brother chose to stay a part of the White Fang. He had similar ambitions to what the group's current ambitions are even before we joined them.

Ozpin: ...I see. Now, y/n we understand that you don't like to talk about your brother y/n. *Ozpin blows into his coffee before taking a sip* We understand he must have caused you great pain. But, General Ironwood said that as his brother you would understand more about him than anyone else. 

y/n: ...yes.

Ozpin: So, y/n. I need you to tell us everything you know about your brother Adam Taurus. 

You stood up and sighed as you walked towards the window. You looked down over Beacon and then began to look at your reflection remembering your brother Adam. 

y/n: Adam and I shared many things. We shared our dreams, our fighting styles, and even our semblance. But he changed. Both our parents were faunus so getting by was difficult. I haven't told anyone other than General Ironwood about this but my brother and I had an abusive father. For as long as I can remember my father would always beat our mother. 

Tears began to fall down your face.

y/n:  Whenever Adam and I tried to protect our mother he'd always burn us with his cigars as punishment. We tried to ask for help but our father threatened us all saying that he would kill one of us if we didn't keep our mouths shut. 

Glynda came to you with a box of tissues and patted your back attempting to comfort you.

y/n: So, Adam and I realized the only way we were going to protect our mother was by being able to protect ourselves. We started to spar against each other with sticks and other things we found lying around the place. We also started reading books about combat tactics and ways to conceal weapons. Our mother at one point taught us to conceal a dagger under our sleeves so that if we were ever in a position where we had to fight back we could pull that dagger out and defend ourselves.

 You reached into your sleeve and pulled out a dagger made of a tiger's fang.

y/n: This belonged to my mother and now it's all that I have left because one day when Adam and I were 12 years old. Our father murdered our mother. When I saw him do it I was so petrified that I couldn't move. That's when Adam finally started to change. He grabbed a knife from the kitchen and attacked our father savagely and aggressively. After stabbing him several times our father fell to the ground in shock. When I finally gathered the strength to move again I grabbed Adam and tried to convince him to leave him the way he was so that we could get the police. But, Adam shoved me away and continued to stab our father more. Even after our father was surely dead he still continued stabbing him. After he exhausted himself Adam turned to me and said, "He'll never hurt anyone ever again." He had been more violent ever since.

You saw Professor Ozpin in the reflection of the window sitting in his chair patiently as you finished your story. Once you finished he got up and put his hand on your back comforting you.

Ozpin: That's all you need to tell us today. Take the rest of the day easy. You've got an initiation tomorrow.

You wiped the tears from your face and make your way to the elevator. 

*I hope you all enjoy my work so far part of the reason I started this project was that I felt as though there was missing potential for Adam Taurus. If you do like it please upvote my project it means a lot.*

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