The Bully (Part 3)

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It's been about two days now since you and the rest of team RWBY tried to talk to Jaune about Cardin bullying him. Since then Jaune's been coming back to the dorm late. Surprisingly, Jaune's been hanging out with Cardin as though they were friends all of a sudden. Whenever you try to ask his team about what's going on Nora and Ren always say they have no idea what's happened to him and Pyrrha refuses to talk about Jaune. On the rare occasions you see Jaune he always seems too busy with something. This made you and your team very suspicious.

After an average day of classes, you were back at the dorm. It was near lights out and you were standing outside of your room with Ruby hoping to find Jaune before lights out. Sure enough, after a while, he showed up. Jaune looked like he was troubled and was peeking his head in to listen to what his team was saying.

Nora: How come Jaune gets home so late?

Ren: He's become rather scarce since he's been fraternizing with Cardin.

Nora: That's weird. Doesn't he know we have a field trip tomorrow? We need our, REST!

Pyrrha: I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing.

Pyrrha sounded frustrated. Nora let out a sighed sigh.

Nora: ...I guess so.

Jaune then shut the door and hung his head sadly for a moment. You and Ruby decided to make yourselves known.

y/n and Ruby: Hey Jaune.

Jaune gasped and turned around staggering.

Ruby: Long time no see. Did you lock yourself out again?

Jaune: Oh! Uh... Nope. Got it.

Jaune held up his scroll.

Ruby: So, where have you been lately?

y/n: Hanging out with Cardin again?

Jaune: I uhhh... *sighs* I messed up. I did something I shouldn't have and now Cardin's got me on a leash, Pyrrha won't even talk to me... I'm starting to think coming to this school was a bad idea. 

Jaune slouches to the floor.

Jaune: I'm a failure.

You were about to reassure Jaune but Ruby started to speak first.

Ruby: Nope.

Jaune looks up to Ruby.

Jaune: Nope?

Ruby: Nope. You're a leader now Jaune. You're not allowed to be a failure.

Jaune: What if I'm a failure at being a leader.

Ruby: Nope.

Ruby walked over and sat down next to Jaune.

Jaune: *Chuckles* You know. You're not the easiest person to talk about this kind of stuff.

Ruby: Nope. Jaune you might have been a failure when you were a kid.

Jaune slouched more.

Ruby: You might have even been a failure the day we met.

Jaune slouched even more.

Ruby: But you can't be one now. You know why?

Jaune: Uh... Because...

Ruby: Because it's not just about you anymore. You've got a team now Jaune. We both do. And if we both fail then we'll just be bringing them down with us. We have to be putting our teammates first and ourselves second. 

Ruby stood up.

Ruby: Your team deserves a good leader Jaune. And I think that can be you. Have a good night Jaune.

Ruby walked back into the room.

y/n: That's why she's a good leader. She knows how to be a good friend.

Jaune looked down sad.

Jaune: Yeah... A good friend.

y/n: Jaune. We really mean it you can always ask for help. Everyone needs a little push. I didn't get to where I am without good people helping me.

Jaune looked up for a moment but then went back to sulking.

Jaune: That's... what Pyrrha said too.

y/n: Well, I'd take her advice then.

You reach down and help Jaune get up.

y/n: I'd take her out sometime too.

You winked at Jaune and his face went red with embarrassment.

Jaune: W-what!?

y/n: I've been on a team with four girls for a few weeks now Jaune. I know how the girl code works. Well, goodnight.

Jaune: Uh... Yeah. Goodnight.

You made your way into your room. Once you did you heard Cardin's voice outside. In concern, you listened to your door to pick up on what he was saying.

Cardin: Hey. It's your buddy, Cardin. I know you're probably busy with that dust project I gave you. Buuuut, I'm gonna need you to go out and get me a bag of rapier wasps. 

Jaune gasped at Cardin saying this.

Cardin: And make sure they've got really big stingers. It's important so don't screw this up.

You knew Cardin didn't live on your floor so you figured it must have been over scroll. 

y/n: *In head* Rapier wasps? What is that brick-headed maniac scheming?

Before going to bed you made sure to text the rest of team RWBY about what you heard and for them to keep a close eye on Jaune tomorrow.

*Alright yet another chapter down! Hope you all are enjoying the story! Thanks for all your support!*

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