The Enrollment

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You and the rest of the students all made your way back to beacon for your enrollments.

Ozpin: Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Delve Bronzewing, Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward you will work together as team CRDL. Led by Cardin Winchester.

Team CRDL walked off stage and you then saw Jaune, Ren, Pyrrha, and Nora all begin to walk onstage. 

y/n: *In head* I bet Pyrrha will lead them.

Ozpin: Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward you will work together as team JNPR.

Nora then hugged Ren and Ren blushed as he awkwardly hugged back.

Ozpin: Led by... Jaune Arc.

Jaune: Huh? Led by?

y/n: *In head* Oh... I was way off.

Ozpin: Congratulations young man.

Pyrrha then playfully punched him on the shoulder and Jaune fell flat on his face. The crowd then began to laugh.

y/n: *In head* Is Ozpin drunk or something?

Ozpin:  And finally Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long, y/n Taurus. The five of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward you will work together as team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose.

Weiss looked shocked at Ruby for being the leader and Yang rushed over to Ruby hugging her.

Yang: I'm so proud of you.

You then saw noticed Blake was giving you a cold stare again. You immediately felt awkward and did your best to look away from Blakes Glare. Once you did though a thought came to your mind.

y/n: Wait. Why is my name not being included in the team name?

Ozpin: Oh don't ask such silly questions, Mr. Taurus.

Blake grunted when Ozpin referred to you in that way.

Ozpin: It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year.

You and the rest of team RWBY then began to walk out of the auditorium but you and Blake were stopped by Ozpin. Yang, Weiss, and Ruby were confused but Ozpin assured them that you and Blake were not in trouble. 

Ozpin: Sorry this will be just a moment. 

Yang, Weiss, and Ruby all then sat on a bench just outside of the building so that they could wait for you and Blake while you talked to Ozpin. You tensed up realizing what Ozpin may be about to ask.

Ozpin: Now I understand that sometimes you can be teamed up with people you don't particularly enjoy. However, it seems quite obvious that there is severe tension between the both of you.

Blake then grunted looking to the ground and away from you. She then looked up to you for a brief moment and muttered to you.

Blake: Just tell him.

You then sighed in a bit of sadness and frustration and looked to professor Ozpin.

y/n: She... dated... my brother.

Ozpin looked shocked.

Ozpin: Oh... I see...

Blake then snapped her head back up to you and Ozpin.

Blake: Yes, the same guy who-

Ozpin: I know who Adam Taurus is Ms. Belladonna. y/n here has been giving us information on him.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now