The Bully (Part 1)

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It's been a few weeks now since you were enrolled into Beacon. You've been sent off campus a couple of times to investigate dust robberies. Each of them was pretty much the same. Dust was stolen and cash was left behind. You did your best to find out where they may have gone, but it seemed as though Roman Torchwic knew how to cover his tracks. Even your scent couldn't seem to bring you close to him. You decided to intercept one of the upcoming dust imports to see if you could catch Roman there. But, it was still several days away.

Back at Beacon things with Weiss and Ruby seem to have improved. However, things with you and Blake are the same as they were when you came to Beacon. Classes were going well for each of you so far and your team and team JNPR became a lot closer as friends. 

You are now at the auditorium again and Professor Glynda Goodwitch decided to present all of the students with a sparring match to explain the rules of the upcoming Vytal Festival. Jaune was randomly selected to spar against Cardin. The same boy who's obviously been bullying him since he arrived at Beacon. After a bit of fighting Jaune was quickly winded and barely able to stand while Cardin was standing over him with his mace. Jaune let out a few pants and Cardin simply laughed at him. Jaune then took a couple of deep breaths and charged at Cardin. He then swung his sword at him but Cardin simply dodged out of the way. Jaune staggered and looked back at Cardin knowing that he was wide open. Cardin then took a big swing and knocked Jaune's shield away and sent him flying. Jaune then got back up with his sword and charged at Cardin again. 

y/n: No don't! He's just gonna-

Cardin then caught Jaune's attack with the pole of his mace. Cardin then pushed back against Jaune and got up in his face. 

Cardin: This is the part where you lose.

Jaune: Over my dead-

Cardin then kicked Jaune in the balls and Jaune groaned in pain.

y/n: Ouch! Cheap shot.

Jaune then collapsed on the ground in pain and Cardin then attempted to crush him with a heavy blow from his mace. However, the buzzer went off signaling the match was over.

Glynda: Cardin! That's enough.

The crowd all cheered except for team JNPR and your team. Glynda then walked up and began to speak to everyone.

Glynda: Student's as you can see. Mr. Arc's aura has reached the red. In a tournament-style duel, this would indicate that Jaune is no longer fir for battle and the official may call the match. 

Glynda then turned to Jaune.

Glynda: Mr. Arc it's been weeks now. Please try to refer to your scroll during combat. Gauging your aura will help you decide when it is appropriate to attack or when it is better to refer to a more defensive strategy. We wouldn't want you to be gobbled up by a beowolf, now would we?

Jaune sighed in frustration.

Cardin: Speak for yourself.

Cardin rests his mace on his back and walks away.

Glynda: Remember everyone! The Vytal Festival is only a few months away! It won't be long before the students of other kingdoms start arriving in Vale. So keep practicing!

You raised and clenched your fist in eagerness and the rest of your team looked like they couldn't contain their excitement.

Glynda: Those who chose to participate in the combat tournament will be representing all of Vale. 

You looked over at Jaune to see he took his defeat real bad.

y/n: Come on let's go check up on Jaune.

Ruby: Yeah he seems to not be doing so good.

Yang: Yeah not to mention how much of a jerk Cardin is.

You walked on stage with team RWBY and Pyrrha. Pyrrha helped Jaune get up.

Pyrrha: Don't take it too bad. You're a... decent fighter.

Jaune: *Sarcastically* Gee. Thanks.

y/n: Just ignore Cardin. That guy's just an overgrown pile of bricks and he's just about that intelligent too.

Yang giggled a bit at you roasting Cardin.

Yang: Woah! Savage!

Ruby: That's pretty mean y/n.

y/n: Oh relax, I'm not insulting him. I'm just describing him.

Yang: Woah-oh!

Yang then high-fived you.

Weiss: Where'd you learn that kind of slang. Ironwood is usually very strict from what I hear. 

y/n: Your sister taught me a few.

Jaune then sighed in frustration again.

Jaune: Listen guys. I'm fine really. Look let's just go get lunch. 

Pyrrha: Jaune you can tell me anything. We're a team.

Jaune went quiet for a moment. 

Jaune: Look I'm fine really. See?

Jaune then put on a smile that was obviously fake. Pyrrha then put both hands on her hips and looked at Jaune with a serious face.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Jaune: Look let's just go ok?

You all sighed and shook your heads in frustration and began to make your way to the cafeteria hoping to get Jaune to finally open himself up a bit.

*Unfortunately I didn't have much time for this part so I'll have to cut off here for now. Hope you all enjoy the Story! Thanks for all your support!*

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now