The Field Trip (Part 2)

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You and the rest of the students continued with your hike. After a while, the leaves of the trees and the grass all began to become red. As you entered these parts of the woods Professor Goodwitch began to speak.

Professor Goodwitch: Yes students. The Forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But, we are not here to sightsee. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest and I'm here to make sure none of you die while doing so.

You looked behind you and noticed Jaune was struggling with his briefcase and the jars he was carrying. He then bumps into Cardin from behind and Cardin turns around looking at Jaune with an angry face. Jaune simply laughed nervously and whistled pretending that nothing happened. You felt bad for Jaune but you turned back to listen to Professor Goodwitch.

Professor Goodwitch: Each of you is to gather one jar's worth of red sap. This forest is full of the creatures of grimm, so be sure to stay by your teammates. We will rendezvous back here at four o'clock. Have fun!

You looked back at Jaune and Cardin. Cardin grabbed Jaune by the arm forcefully and pulled him closer.

Cardin: C'mon buddy let's go.

Jaune looked at his team with the same sad and defeated expression he gave you all earlier. Ren and Nora were walking off into the forest but Pyrrha was waiting on Jaune. Jaune then looked down sadly and walked off with team CRDL. Pyrrha looked away sad and sighed as she walked off with Nora and Ren.

Ruby: Cardin really is scum.

Blake looked at you with an aggressive stare.

Blake: I've seen worse people.

You sighed in response to what Blake said knowing she was referring to your brother Adam.

y/n: Blake, I know you don't want to be around me but we're still a team.

Blake: I'd prefer it if we WEREN'T!

Yang then tightened her grip slightly on your hand to comfort you.

Yang: Blake! Seriously! What is with you? I get that you had some bad blood with his brother. But, that doesn't mean you should treat him like that.

Blake didn't respond and walked into the forest.

Blake: Come on, we got an assignment to do.

Yang sighed in frustration.

Weiss: I must say. That was cold. Even for me.

Ruby: Yeah, not really Weiss.

Weiss got mad and glared at Ruby. Yang then looked up to you.

Yang: It's not your fault for what happened between her and your brother. It was his fault and his fault alone. Now don't let her get you down.

You looked at Yang and smiled at her.

Yang: That's my man! Now come on let's get some of that tree sap!

You followed Yang and the rest of team RWBY while still holding Yang's hand. But, you were still hurt by what Blake said to you. You all then made your way deeper into the forest and found Ren, Nora, and Pyrrha collecting sap. You each decided to collect sap with them. You each picked your own tree and began pouring the sap into your jars. Ren was trying to fill his jar and Nora's but whenever he gave he a jar she simply drank all the sap. Once you all managed to get your jars full each of you decided to look around and admire the forest.

Ruby: This place is so pretty.

Weiss: I suppose it looks decent.

Yang: Oh come on Weiss. It's beautiful!

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now