Discrimination (Part 2)

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After your team drama last night you spent the next day trying to find Blake but unfortunately didn't find her. It was now Sunday, everyone made their way downstairs to meet up to come up with a plan to find Blake.

Ruby: I hope Blake's ok.

Weiss: Why should we care? She walked out on us.

Yang looked down sad as she said that. But she picked her head up again and looked at Weiss.

Yang: That doesn't mean we shouldn't try to find her. She may have run away but I know that she must have had her reasons.

You held Yang's hand to try and comfort her. You then turned to face the whole team.

y/n: She's scared.

Everyone looked at you.

y/n: Blake has gone through a lot. Things happened that caused the White Fang to become as violent as it has. Things that drove a lot of people to run away from things just like she did last night. But of course, there were a lot of people that changed to become more violent.

Weiss shrugged in frustration.

Weiss: You can say that again.

y/n: I know. And my brother and I were prime examples.

Yang gripped your hand to get your attention.

Yang: y/n. You don't have to talk about your brother. I know it's painful for you.

You looked back at Yang and gave her a reassuring smile.

y/n: Yang. It's fine. Besides, you'll all need to know if we're going to understand why she ran.

Yang nodded at you in approval and you looked back at the others.

y/n: As I've said before Adam and Blake were once together. But my brother broke a lot of trust with Blake. He ended up killing a lot of people and I witnessed nearly all of them. Blake said that she finally had enough of it before she came to Beacon when Adam tried to blow up a train with innocent civilians inside it.

Weiss: Why not just go back to her family?

You looked over to Weiss and thought for a moment.

y/n: I don't know fully why she did. But I know why she feels afraid to do so. 

Ruby: Why?

y/n: She said she doesn't want me to tell anyone. She needs to be able to tell people herself why.

You turned back to face the others. Weiss seemed to ponder for a moment on this.

Weiss: She said the White Fang were misguided...

You looked at Weiss again.

y/n: They are. My brother included.

Weiss looked down with a sad look on her face.

Weiss: You said my father's company turned your brother into a monster.

Weiss looked back up to you again.

Weiss: How did it change him?

y/n: When we were fourteen we were forcefully taken into one of your company's mines and while we were there we were constantly beaten and worked until we could barely stand. One day I was being beaten by one of the guards because I didn't meet the agenda and Adam killed him because he couldn't stand to see me get abused. The guards then apprehended Adam and they branded him on his face as punishment.

Weiss looked down again and tears began to roll down her face but seemed to brush off what you said as she looked back up at you in anger.

Weiss: ...Well... *Sob* That doesn't excuse him or Blake! Plus, you should have told us she was a part of the White Fang when we became a team! So you both have no excuse!

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now