Discrimination (Part 3)

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After your argument with Weiss, you and Yang caught up with Weiss and Ruby. Weiss was wiping her tears away with her sleeve and Yang decided to check up on her sister Ruby. 

Yang: Ruby, you alright?

Ruby was hanging her head sadly while kicking pebbles off the sidewalk.

Ruby: Not really...

Yang's side hugged Ruby and began to talk cheerfully to try and cheer up Ruby.

Yang: You can always tell me what's wrong. That's what your big sis is here for.

Ruby: ...Well... I'm just upset that Blake wouldn't talk to us when she was scared. 

Yang then looked down sad.

Yang: I know... I'm upset about that too. 

Ruby: And I wish that we'd all stop fighting already...

You stopped in place when you heard Ruby say that. You knew she was talking about the fight between Blake and Weiss and the fight between Weiss and you. But you saw ahead of you that Weiss began to walk faster while shaking her head.

Ruby: I want us to be a team and work together. Not always fight over who's right and who's wrong.

You saw that Weiss finally stopped but she crossed her arms and shrugged at what Ruby said. 

Weiss: Are you guys gonna catch up or what?

Yang scoffed at Weiss' comment and hugged her sister tightly.

Yang: I know that you're upset and I wish we'd all get along too. But, right now things are just... complicated. 

Yang then lifted Ruby's face with her hand so that she could look into her eyes.

Yang: That's why we need a good leader like you. So that you can help us all get along. That's what you do best!

Ruby smiled a little and hugged Yang. You felt yourself smile a little too and you realized what you needed to do to get Blake back with the team. As much as you didn't like it you need to start working with Weiss.

Weiss: Come on guys! We don't have all day!

y/n: Were on our way.

You then walked up next to Ruby and Yang.

y/n: Ruby... I'm sorry.

Ruby: For what?

y/n: For making you upset.

Ruby then walked up to you with a small smile on her face.

Ruby: It's ok. We can still be a team and find Blake together.

You then smiled at Ruby.

y/n: Alright then. Let's go find her.

You followed Yang and Ruby and grouped up with Weiss again. As you did Yang held your hand again. You looked over at Yang who had a proud smile on her face. You looked back at her and gave her a similar smile.

After about another hour of searching Yang, Ruby, and you all decided to start calling out for Blake.




Weiss was just walking with the rest of you not saying anything.

Ruby: Weiss your not helping.

Weiss: You know who might be able to help? The police.

Ruby: *Grunting* Weiss.

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now