Arrival at Beacon (Part 2)

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After having arrived at Beacon you look over at the center of campus. The place was huge and beautiful. However, your admiration of the place was broken when you heard an explosion come from nearby. You turned around to see the redhead girl alone talking to who you recognized to be Weiss Schnee. 

y/n: This isn't about to go well. 

You walked over to prevent a fight from breaking out but Weiss was already yelling at the redhead girl. 

Weiss: Unbelievable! This is the exact kind of thing I was talking about!

Redhead Girl: I'm really really sorry.

Weiss: Ugh! You complete dolt! What are you even-

You cut Weiss off as you walked up to them.

y/n: Hey! Leave her alone Weiss!

Weiss: Oh look some- Wait! Aren't you one of Ironwood's cadets? 

y/n: Got that right. Now look I don't know what happened, but, knowing you and that father of yours I know that you're taking things too far right now.

Weiss: Ugh! Will you and the rest of your cadet buddies get off our case! I should have my father get Ironwood to discharge you. 

y/n: Oh please. General Ironwood isn't your dad's slave. 

Weiss: Oh, just stay out of this will you! *Turns to redhead girl* And you! This isn't your ordinary combat school you know. We're not sparring and practicing. We're here to fight monsters. So watch where you're going.

Redhead girl: Hey, I said I was sorry princess!

???: It's heiress actually. 

You hear the familiar voice behind you and begin to believe that who you saw getting off the ship earlier may just be the person you thought it was. You turn around and sure enough, it was none other than Blake Belladonna. 

Blake: Weiss Schnee heiress of the Schnee dust company. One of the largest producers of energy propellant in the worl-

Blake stopped suddenly when she saw you. You and Blake both tensed up. 

Weiss: Finally! Some recognition. *Looks at you both with your eyes locked in surprise to see one another* Uhh... Do you two know each other?

You and blake stood still for a moment more before answering Weiss.

y/n and Blake: Yes...

Weiss: Well... anyways thanks for standing up for me. *Offers Blake a handshake*

Blake: Did I mention that. You were also infamous for your controversial labor forces and shady business partners. 

Weiss: *Face gets red with anger* What?! How dare-

Redhead girl: *chuckle*

Weiss walks away after taking the dust vial she dropped back. Blake then turns towards you again. 

Blake: *angrily* What the heck are you doing here?!

y/n: Blake what happened between us is in the past and I could ask you the same thing.

The redhead girl watches the two of you in confusion. You and blake turn to her and realize you need to speak to each other privately.

Blake *scoffs* Ok we need to talk in private. Come on.

y/n: Fine.

Redhead girl: What just happened?

You and Blake walk out to a secluded place in the courtyard and begin to talk.

Blake: Okay y/n. You'd better spill it. What the heck are you doing here?

y/n: I'm here because General Ironwood sent me. 

Blake: General Ironwood? You're with Atlas?!

y/n: Yes. I am. 

Blake: *sighs* I suppose it makes sense you were always able to pass as a human. But, why come here of all places?

y/n: To better myself as a huntsman.

Blake: I doubt that's the only reason they have advanced academy out in Atlas. 

y/n: You always were smart. I'm here on an investigation I can't say anything else.

Blake: Fine. But, why y/n? Why join Atlas? Out of all the kingdoms you could've chosen why choose that one?

y/n: So I can find my brother and put a stop to all of his insanity.

Blake: So you're trying to kill him?

y/n: You know I wouldn't kill a person Blake.

Blake: Lots of people told me that y/n. Your brother included.

y/n: Then believe what you want. Let's go Professor Ozpin will giving his greeting lecture in five minutes. 

Blake: Fine. But, I've still got questions and you'd better give me answers.

y/n: I will. I promise.

*Don't worry romance between male reader and yang is coming. Like I said be patient.*

Battle Scars (Yang x Male Reader) RWBY Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now