Morning Struggles (Part 3)

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You make your way into the lockers with Yang and Ruby to gather your things to prepare for the initiation. When you enter you notice the girl with short red hair speaking to the boy with long black hair you saw earlier. The boy seemed to feel really awkward around the redhead girl but the redhead girl seemed overjoyed and very obviously had a crush on him.

Redhead girl: Oh I know perhaps some sort of signal! A distress signal! Oh, a secret signal so we can fin each other in the forest. Can you imitate a sloth?

Long-haired boy: Nora?

Nora: Yes Ren?

Ren: *Tucks weapons away* I don't think sloths make a lot of noise.

Nora: That's why it's perfect! No one will suspect we're working together. 

Ren: Come on Nora let's go.

The two begin to walk out.

Nora: But not TOGETHER together. *Giggling*

y/n: *Sarcastically* Well she's definitely subtle.

Ruby: Oh you mean like Yang? *Points at Yang*

Yang: Hey!

You began to blush.

Ruby: *Laughs* Anyways, I wonder what those two were so worked up about.

Yang: Oh who knows. So, you seem awfully jibber this morning.

Ruby: Hmph. Yep. No more awkward small talk or getting to know you stuff. *Pulls crescent rose out of locker* Now I get to let my sweetheart do the talking. 

Ruby then began to cuddle her weapon as though it was her own child but Yang began to speak again.

Yang: Well remember Ruby you're not the only one going through initiation. If you wanna grow up you need to learn to meet new people and learn to work together.

y/n: Yeah you can't always do everything yourself. That's what teams are for.

Yang: See y/n gets it.

Ruby then gets annoyed and begins to put her weapon away.

Ruby: Uuuugh you sound like dad. First of all, what does meeting people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up. I drink milk.

You chuckled a bit as she said this.

Yang: But what about when we form teams?

Ruby: I don't know. I... guess I'll just be on your team... or something.

Yang seemed to feel awkward.

Yang: Maybe... you should try and be on someone else's team.

Ruby: My dear sister Yang. Are you implying you do not wish to be on the same team as me?

Yang: What? No. Of course, I do. I just... I don't know... Think it would help you break out of your shell.

Ruby: What!? I don't need to break out of my shell that's absolutely-

Jaune then interrupts you all as he walks between you all with a piece of paper in his hands.

Jaune: Ridiculous! There's absolutely no way I put my gear in locker 363 yesterday. *Mutters to himself*

You take your attention away from Jaune and begin to talk to Ruby again.

y/n: Well, if it makes you feel any better Ruby. I'd love to be on a team with you.

Ruby: Wait. Really?

Yang: Awww that's so nice of you. I knew you were a good catch.

You began to blush again.

y/n: W-what?

Ruby: *Chuckles* Again subtle as a brick.

Yang: Oh shut up!

You all then heard a spear fly by and pin itself into a wall. You all looked over and saw Jaune pinned to the wall with the spear. You looked for who threw it and saw it was the world-renowned student Pyrrha Nikos.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry.

Speakers: Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation. Again all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately.

y/n: We'd better get going. I'll grab my weapons real quick and see you guys there.

Ruby and Yang: See you there.

Ruby and Yang began to walk away and you made your way to your locker. Pyrrha took her spear out of the wall.

Pyrrha: It was nice meeting you.

Jaune: *Sighs* Likewise.

Yang: Having some trouble there lady killer?

Ruby begins to help Jaune get up.

Jaune: I don't understand. My dad said all women look for is confidence. Where did I go wrong?

Yang: Snow angel probably wasn't the best start.

Ruby began to help walk Jaune out of the room. 

Ruby: Come on Jaune. Let's go.

You then got your weapons and made your way to Beacon Cliff and waited for the initiation to begin. You had a short sword that turns into a pistol similar to the one General Ironwood uses called "Omega" and a bastard sword named "Alpha" which had a little secret about it. 

*This is for visual interpretation of how the weapons are set up on your back.* 

*Just so I don't get copyright claims the image is of Genji from overwatch which is owned by Blizzard

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*Just so I don't get copyright claims the image is of Genji from overwatch which is owned by Blizzard. Hope you all enjoy the story so far. Get ready for some nice action in the next chapter. Thank you all for your support!*

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