light yagami x pinkie pie

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request by : santaclausasscrack

ok so I forgot to mention we hit 50k while I didn't update for like 3 months so here is ur present- another chapter.

ok then.

so this was a request from a LONG time ago.

sorry for not uploading.

fuck you.

if you don't know who light yagami is, you suck.

fuck you.

also I started this a long time ago and just finished it so here u go
pinkie pie pov

I love pussy.

and dick.

and anything else. idc gender.

I'm pansexual btw.

if you couldn't tell by my fucking cutie mark colors moron.

I would even fuck a notebook.

jk I think to be considered panssxual you have to like people

well idc I'm not even a people.

I have a peehole tho

I want cake

and pussy

or semen

aye there's a hot person which I don't know the gender of but idc cuz I'm pansexual all that matters is they hot awooga

I realize he is a guy

bro but wtf is up with that 2009 Justin Bieber ass haircut BRO WTF LMAO 🤣 😂 😭 😒 🤦 💀 🤣 😂 😭 😒


I still wanna suck his dick.

omg I could eat cake from his theoretical abs.

omg what if I did a line of coke from his ass.

I could turn his bellybutton into a meth lab. 😯


only problem is, is that I'm in this random ass bakery and I can't suck him off here so I'll have to take him home.

Imma walk up to him

"hey mister" I ask in my high pitched, whiney, annoying, chipper voice.

"uh what"

"I wanna snort a line off your dick- UH I MEAN UR REALLY CUTE UWU BLUSHES"

"what the actual fuck"

"wot is ur name"

"uh- light yagami. why?"

"ur hot and I wanna smash. let's head to my place *lip bites*"

---time skipperoony-‐

ok but how the actual fuck did I manage to get him home.

"uh-nice place ig"

"t h a n k s"

"ok so r u gonna suck my dick or what"

"oh OK sorry"

I then take off all my clothes, which was none so that was essentially pointless to say author why the fuck are you so goddamn stupid Jesus CHRIST-

anyways I trotted over to him and took his pants off with my teeth.

he sat on my bed as I dragged the rest of his pants off.

him, now pantsless, spread his thighs, giving me a perfect view of his- flacid penis.

"jesus for someone who's about to get head you sure are limp. tell lil man to harden up"

I then give his lil friend a poke, waiting to perk up.

nothing was working, so I went to the next best option.

"ok whore lay down. I gotta get him hard somehow."

he then laid down, and I took off his shirt.

I then ran to my kitchen, getting all nessisary supplies.

I then came back, and started pouring things into his navel.

"woah wtf you doing mf pony bitch." he said.

"uh tryna get u hard shawty"

yeah I turned his belly button into a meth lab.

i started stirring the stuff into his hole, making meth. however tf you do that cuz the author surely doesn't know how haha 😅😅😅😅

I then made copious amounts of meth and consumed it all. mf was wildin. I was TRIPPIN

but I did notice he was now hard. great.

I then poured a shot ton of cocaine on his dick and got to sniffing.

"feel good with my nose on your dick mm baby?" I asked

"wtf no. what the fuck is this" he said, his brown Bieber haircut still covering his eyes.

I finished up snorting coke off his cock and got up and started passionately grinding on him slowly.

"I love you babay" I said.

"what the fuck"

I then flipped him over and grabbed his ass and pulled it up.

"I gonna eat ur ass ok?" I said, starting to put my mouth on his bootyhole.

"what the fuck"

I then went crazy as I was eating him out. I could taste his shit on my tongue and it was so good.

could've been cuz I was trippin balls but whatever.

next I stuck my hoove (hoof? idk) and started thrusting it in and out, stretching out his bussy.

"ow." is all he said.

"you like that? mmmm baby girl" I said, while working my hoove in and out of his tight hole.

"did u just fucking misgender me?" he asked


i continued to fist hig violently until i saw his abdominal muscles flex and then he squirted cum out of his pp.

as I sat back down on the bed, I noticed he had a notebook in front of him with writing in it.

"hey what is th-"

then I had a heart attack and died.


worst sex ever.

even ryuk could suck me off better than that.

ok but the way I questioned my gender when it called me a girl.

anyways, I got up to walk but couldn't. my ass hurt cuz I got so fucking stretched out

I also still had meth in my bellybutton.

and coke on my dick.

oh well.

i turned to ryuk, who watched that whole thing with a look of fear in his eyes.

"ryuk, wanna come watch gay furry porn with me?"


ok goodbye.

next oneshot is gonna be vore btw have fun.

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