the dnf milk fic

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I've noticed that there's been a lot of mcyt pfps commenting, so I just HAD to pander.

and I was brainstorming ideas for a funny dnf oneshot involving various liquids when I came across the fact that there probably isn't a dnf milk fic yet.

I will make my own dnf oneshot, but I just thought that this was rlly easy to do (nope it wasn't. it took forever) and didn't require much brainpower (it def. did)

credits to the original author, I just changed the names for the sake of keeping the internet consistent.

here we go.

George was kneeling in the bathtub, a towel under his knees and another under his hands, his head turned as he craned his neck to watch Dream working. The younger boy swirled the spoon around in the over-large bowl before tapping it against the rim and laying it on the counter. "You know it'll cool down a little once I get it in the bag, but is that good?" Dream bent over next to the tub so Geroge could slowly dip two fingers into the bowl, nodding once.

"It's fine."

Dream nodded again, reaching out to stroke George's hair before standing back up and returning to the sink, where all of the equipment was spread out. The hook was already hanging from the shower curtain so Drean could hang the bag as soon as it was full. "Go ahead and take the plug out, baby." His voice was soft, gentle. "And start with your fingers."

It was the gentlest of their "darker" interludes. No name-calling or hair pulling or punishments for noises of pain. It hurt enough on it's own, was degrading enough on it's own, Dream didn't need to add anything to that.

Dream felt a small tremor run through his body as he heard the soft moan coming from the bathtub, knew the other boy had just extracted the plug. He glanced up at the mirror, watching the boy set the glass plug on the edge of the tub next to the bottle of lubricant. George picked up the bottle, desperate to fill himself as he opened it, dripping some of the lubricant onto his fingers and rubbing them. It was cold to the initial touch, but warmed up as his fingers moved.

"You're so fucking hot like that, baby," Dream purred, from the sink where the bag was nearly half full. "Now, go ahead."

George flushed warm from the compliment, his wrist sliding down along his waist, hipbone, the curve of his ass. And then his fingers were poised, resting against his entrance before pressing in. He was already loose from the plug so it was an easy intrusion. He didn't even bother with more lubricant before pressing a third finger in, moaning outright at the stretch. He started as he heard the click from Dream hanging the bag. "Already?"

Don't sound so disappointed," the boy chided softly. "You can keep your fingers in for a second." He almost added a soft 'slut', but stopped himself. Dream leaned down, reaching for the bottle of lubricant, letting himself hover over George for a moment, his breath tickling the back of the boy's neck. "Just think about everything I'll do after," he whispered before straightening back up and slicking lube across the tip of the nozzle and his own fingers. "Okay."

George whined, but slowly pulled his fingers out anyway. He wasn't empty for longer than a few seconds, Dream's fingers immediately sliding over his opening before pressing in, then pulling out to press in the tip of the nozzle. "Breathe," he murmured, fingers running down the boy's spine. "I'm going to now, okay?"

"Wait," George choked out.

"I'm going to now," Dream repeated, voice a little harder this time. "You're fine." He kept his fingers running along the boy's spine as he loosened the clamp.

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