quick lil a/n for the new years :)

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this isn't important so don't read if you don't want to lol.

but like- happy new years 😋


it's now 2022- which is crazy because I started this book in late 2020

and it has OVER 90K READS?

like wtf is wrong with yall.

I started this book as a joke, and sort of a coping mechanism.

not to get too sappy or deep, BUUUUTTTT-


basically to keep it short and sweet, in late 2020 my mom got super super SUPER fucking sick and got super close to death.

basically died for a bit lol.

i was also entering my first year back to school since covid, and coincidentally my first year of highschool (yeah that's right, I'm older than I may seem lol)

so all of this stress and anxiety and sadness sort of piled up, and I kinda needed an outlet (?)

and one thing I love to do is make people laugh.

and so that's what I did.

I attempted to give people the happiness I was lacking in my life.

I created this stupid fucking book.

my mom eventually got better, and school turned out to be fine, but then another bad stage in my life hit.

one of my worst ones yet.

my toxic relationship era, where I was quite suicidal and very mentally ill for a bit.

not my finest moments, but even then I was still fucking writing in this book.

I ofc got out of it, and was left with some pretty heavy trauma. trauma still affecting me today, even after a year.

but im better now! better than I've ever been. everything is fine and I'm ok! and, ofc, the book continues on!

so, even though this is a stupid fucking smut book written by some burnt out gifted kid highschooler, its kinda cool and interesting to me how this book has just been here for many stages of my life.

it's hasn't necessarily "gotten me through things," but its made things easier.

so thank you.

thank you readers, for reading this stupid fucking book and laughing at it and interacting with it (and getting horny off it? 😐)

here's to another great year of smuts!



(man that got a lil cheesy but whatever. it's 2 am let me be in my feels for a sec 😤)

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