new years shrek & santa imagine

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it's new years eve at 11:59 pm. you and your 2 boyfriends- shrek and santa- are all cuddled up on the couch drinking sparkling cider waiting for something about balls dropping idk.

the clock strikes midnight and you lean into kiss both of them, but instead you get pinned down by them, as they whip out handcuffs and handcuff you.

"shrek- Santa what are you-" you start to ask before they rip off your dress and start eating out ur punani while groping ur C cup tits

"wait but im on my period-" you warn them but they don't care. the metal taste just makes their socks harden even more.

shrek starts fingering you and Santa starts sucking his cock, leaving you all in a state of bliss

you hear the celebratory yells from your TV at the excitement of the new years, all while you give off your own yells from being fucked silly by Santa claus and shrek.

happy new years. goodbye 2007 hello 2008.

------ end

I love you all so much that I made a 2nd ish one shot for new years as an apology for being a shitty author.

also because a loyal reader threatened to throw a fit if this didn't exist so

but ily all and happy new years :)

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