neko au shrek x elmo

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request by: girlwithabigdick2






OK SO sorry I haven't updated. not to be THAT author, but the mental state has kinda been not the best.

and a lot of it stems from expectations and the pressure I put on myself and such. I'll spare you the details.

but like idk I've been avoiding updating because I feel the pressure to write funny stuff and I'm scared of disappointing yall

also I've just been busy with sports, school, extra stuff, ya know?

ok so moving on from the unwanted and unnecessary details of author-chans life- (now what the FUCK did I just type out-)

time for fctional character porn written on the way to my band contest.
shrek pov

being an accountant is hard.

it's a lot of numbers n shit.

it's like rlly difficult.

yet here I am, gay as hell, sitting at my table working on accountant stuff.

cuz all accountants are gay ya know

you know what else is hard?

my dick.

but im too busy rn.

my thoughts got derailed by my precious wittle kitten that isn't actually a kitten.

my sussy lil elmo.

he's seated in his pet bed at my feet, just sitting there, tail swooshing. my precious lil neko 🥺🥺

every once in a while his tail will rub up against me, making my dick solidify.

ugh my little kitten is rlly making it hard to focus.

it's taking everything in my power to not pick him up and fuck the meows out of him rn

his tail suddenly ventures a lil too high and I decide to take action.

I suddenly slam my hands down, pick him up by the collar, and look deep into his eyes.

"you know what your doing, kitten." I said.

his startled eyes look scared, but I see the mischief behind them

"oh you wanted this" I said. "fair enough"

I then turned him around and slammed him on my desk.

"ass up bbg, daddy is about to go hard" I said.

yeah that's right, no foreplay. just straight into pound town.

his lack of pants made it easy to whip out my green horse cock and grab his bright red fur and stick it into his tight lil elmo pussy.

elmussy, if you will.

"w-w-Wait daddy, elmo wants to know the safe words" I hear my lil red bitch say from under me right before I stick my shaft in.

"how about..... hmmmmmm.......biggie cheese. that seem like a good safe word?" I said, referencing hit mouse rap star, biggie cheese, as seen below.

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