thatveganteacher x corndog

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how yalls doing?

I've haven't updated this in a hOT MINUTE.

but how could I not do one about our beloved vegan teacher?

anyways I've had this idea for a while so here we go:

thatveganteachers pov:

"WhY tHe FuCk ArN't yOu vEgAn yEt?"
I sang as I ripped off my jacket. I was currently filming a tiktok for my 1.2 million fans.

to be honest, being a tiktoker is hard work.

so is being vegan.

but I wouldn't want to ~s i n~ would I?

I dont want to go to hell.

which is why I'm a proud virgin.

pffffffttttt, I've never even had sexual feelings toward anyone!

my pussy ain't ever throbbed😤

which is why I got a tiny cooch😔

anyways, I'm pretty sure its a sin to be thinking about my cooch, but today I feel different.

I feel tingly. I dont know why.

I stopped my tiktok filming to go get something VEGAN to eat for dinner.

I always gotta eat vegan, and in result I'm a SKINNY legend.

I opened up my fridge to see nothing. its empty.

"ope" I think to myself. let's check in the cabinet!

---(three minutes later)---


well i have nothing to eat-

"eat dick" i hear an inner voice say. just the thought of a nice, juicy COCK in my mouth made my pussy tremble.

I couldn't help but moan aloud at the feeling of this new sensation. whats happening?

filled with lust, I frantically rummage through my pantry to find something to shove up my tight hole. i then opened the freezer-

"frozen corn dogs"

I read the package and in a split second, I tore the package open. I then got out a frozen corn dog and ripped off my ugly ass pants.

I then sat on the ground and started to pump the frozen corn dog in and out of my cooch.

"OWWWWW" I yelp in pain. I look down to see the plastic wrapper is still on. condoms are for the weak i think to myself as I take off the protection.

I then shove the corndog back into my tight hole.

I pump it in and out, feeling intensity of cold bread of the corn dog against my warm walls.

but as I'm about to finish, the sick in which the frozen corndog was on BROKE-

her pussy's pov:


thatveganteachers pov:

I then use my long slender fingers to fish the corndog out of my vageeena.

I got it out, but my nails ripped my pussy to SHREDS so there's blood everywhere now.

I then rub my pussy raw to finish.

I take my cum and put it into a container.

I then take my corndog and cook it on my stove, as I add my ~fluids~ to add some salty flavoring.

I then take the extra blood and use it as ketchup.

my dinner was spectacular.

I'm never going vegan again.


Bella, her dogs pov:


bork bork.



uh this was an emotional rollercoaster.

anyways if this has mistakes or doesn't make sense dont bother pointing it out. i never read these over when im done.

oop anyways have a good day.


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