tony lopez x ur mom

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but anyways I'm finally finishing a draft quick so-

yeah anyways I aM SO SORRY.

any w a y s -

heyyyyyy whores ;)

how yall doin?

another chapter- ur welcome :)


I have no clue anymore.

just- dont ask, ok?

my mind works in weird ways.


y/m stands for your mom, ok? ok.
tony lopey p.o.v


peen levels rise.


for context, im at this bitch ass whore's house named y/n.

we eaten dinner, chicken nuggets to be exact.

and her mom looked finneeeeeee

so naturally, my peen grows 😩

my 2 inchy little shrimpy is begging for attention.

and only y/m can satisfy those needs.

so anyways- im sitting there, barbecue sauce on my titties.

no actually underneath my shirt there is barbecue sauce on my nips 😏😏

I put it there just for y/m 😩🤚

but anyways- i still have a rAGING boner.

and it only got worse as I made dead eye contact with y/m.


to my surprise, she winked and nodded upstairs.

she was signaling she wanted to fucc 😩😩😏😩😏😩🤭🤭😏🤭😩😖😏😖

she must have saw me uncomfortably shift. 🤭

"im going to use the restroom" y/m announced to the family.

"ok dear, don't drown :)" said y/d (use ur fucking brain to figure out what "y/d" means)

as she walked away, heading up the stairs, I saw her voluptuous ass shaking as she walked. she built like a Pixar mom 😩😩😩

I couldn't help myself.

I didnt excuse myself. I just got up and ran, boner bouncing in my sweatpants. 😏

I walked down the hall where the bathroom was.

she was waiting inside.

I could see the door was cracked open just a bit, welcoming me inside.

soon her puthy will be welcoming my dick inside 😵😵

but there she was.

my hot, horny, seggsy, milf, undressed and ready to fucc 🤑💢‼

"hey daddy" she said in a seductive voice.

I couldn't help it. I pushed her against the bathroom door, slamming it shut.

we made out. no words spoken.

then she ripped off my shirt and started seductively licking off the BBQ sauce that was in my erect nips.

the view of her slurping it off my chest is- uGGGhGhGHHgHHHh 😩😩😩😩😩😩

then, in a frantic manner, I ripped off my grey sweatpants and spongebob boxers and shoved my 2 inch peen in her drippy pu$$y

God she was tight.

so moist 😩

I could feel her clit throbbing for me.

"is it in yet?" I hear her whine.


damn 😔

heart been broke so many times 😔

my shrimp dick was too small 😩

"yes baby gorl, it is"

I then started thrusting in and out of her, continuously making a lot of noise from the door.

" uUUUuHGHGgahHG daddy's close 😩😩😩" I say after awhile, with a high-pitched whine.

then I came in her.

she never finished lol

what a loser 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

then we cleaned up and got ready to finish dinner.

"dont worry kitten, well keep in contact via discord. make sure to add me: childgroomer#6969" I said as I slipped her a $20 bill to ensure she keeps in contact
(as you fuckers may have guessed, this isnt my real fucking discord)

she then replied with a simple "mhmm" and left.

then, softly from the dining table I heard :

"that was the worst way to get 20 bucks 😒"


finally finished.

hope u enjoyed.

and ur horniee

also why does this book have over 3k reads LMAOOOOOO-



thx for the support tho <3

luv u

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