twilight sparkle piss kink

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welp- I have nothing to say about this one.


also- how the FUCK did we hit 10k reads????



twilight sparkle pov
it had been a long day in ponyville.
keeping up my studies and teaching is hard.

but ya know what is harder?

Spike's rock hard-

rocks. he has a nice rock collection :)

he also has a massive dick.

a massive dick that I'd love to shove up my purple pony pussy.

(a/n: I was thisssss 🤏 close to deleting wattpad after writing that sentence.)

but alas- he's rlly short and my massive cooch would probably swallow him whole. 🙁

but my puthy was pounding.

I could feel it's lil heartbeat. 🥺💞

(a/n: I am so, tremendously sorry.)

so it was hard to walk through the long corridors of my castle to my meeting with my friends.

the friction of my juicy thighs rubbing together as I took each step was causing me to be noticeably flustered and hot.

my violet vagina was so wet that I was dripping my sweet juices down the halls, creating a path for anyone that stumbled upon my castle.

(a/n: I. am. sorry.)

usually, this would gross me out, but the thought of the embarrassment and lewdity (is that a word?) only caused more fluids to drip on the floor.

for a studious gal, I was one naughty pony 😈

as I neared the meeting room, the drips on the floor were audible and I was panting, despite the walk being short and brisk.

in a hurry, I quickly opened the door and rushed to my seat, hoping I wouldn't leave my little "trail"

everyone was talking amongst themselves, so I dont think they noticed.

feeling relieved that I snuck in without anyone noticing how horny i was, I started the meeting.


"annndddddd that concludes our meeting! now please, get out of my castle. I am uh- really busy, so I need all the time I can get. so shoo. buh bye! adios! leave please!"

I yelled at all my friends to hurry out, desperate to fulfill my horny needs.

as they all walked out, confused, I didn't hesitate to get to work as my hooves frantically started to run my throbbing cewchie.

the sounds of hooves were growing distant as I threw my head back and moaned loudly, still rubbing my cutie clit.

(a/n: this is my que to die.)

listening closely, I could also hear them distantly conversing about the wetness throughout the hallway, which was my doing.

the embarrassment and shame knowing that my 5 best friends were out there questioning my slick on the ground only turned me on even more as I was panting and spewing out pornstar moans.

as I rubbed my pussy faster, I was barreling towards my climax.

I also noticed I had to pee, but I realized I could wait.


no. thats too lewd.

but the thought of me pissing everywhere and knowing that there was piss here whenever we have meetings excited me.

so, I rubbed faster and moaned louder.

eventually I reached my peak, letting out one final moan as my cream came running out and dripping on my chair.

I also pushed out all the pee in my bladder, moaning even more.

the feeling of relieving myself felt so good as I moaned louder than I ever have before.

my piss sprayed everywhere, all over the tables and chairs that my friends sit in during meetings.

I continued to rub my clit, the feeling of peeing feeling so good.

eventually I calmed down from my high and smiled.

friendship is magic, but so is the power of piss 🌠


hated writing that.

and I hope you hated reading it just as much.

a bucket for your tears: 🪣

but fr I need to die now.

a lil message before I go:
I've actually gotten a few requests (insert shock 😲) (I've actually only gotten like, 3-4 lol) dw yall, ill (probably) get to them :) I've been rlly busy lately cuz of school and sports (I play tennis and im in dance 😩) but I'll probably get to them. I just don't want to rush them :) but feel free to keep requesting

also- sorry for not posting for a month. I actually don't care about this book, but its funny and I crave validation from your comments. that's why I write.

I have quite a few oneshots planned, so as soon as I write them, they'll be up.

I wrote this oneshot while listening to lemon demon.

idk what else to say.

ok bye.

I hate you all. <3

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