a/n: question, plz give feedback <3

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so obviously my writing style has- fluctuated over time.

the way they are written is a lot different and the comedic effects are a lot different.

the comedic effect of the earlier oneshots were that they were short and written sloppily, and often contained weird contents (such as radio rebel fucking her radio. antenna or Gordon ramsay using his cum as flavoring). this also used "funnier" ways to write words (such as puthy and gawk gawk 9000). this mainly reflected what the media found funny.

but now, the comedic effects I use in my oneshots are still weird and unusual content, but I also write it in a way to hopefully discomfort the reader by being blunt and strange (such as me bringing in terms used in the omegaverse or straight up using words like "manhood" "clit" and "pussy") I also write more professionally and like- use full sentences and descriptions in hopes of making it somewhat awkward to read.

this writing style change is probably due to my change in sense of humor, but may also be due to the media's change in sense of humor.

so overall question: what style do you like more???

do you like more chaotic, fun, crack filled stories that I used to write, or the longer, lust filled, more blunt and uncofmy stories that I write now?

if you can, please lmk :)

I'm currently trying to write the last pride oneshot but am debating on changing the writing style.

idk it really just depends on what yall find funnier and more entertaining. it really doesn't matter to me because I honestly enjoy writing both.

and if I get no responses I'm going to write all my future oneshots in the omegaverse, and will overuse the shit out of the word "slick"

ty and gn 🫂

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