gargamel x papa smurf

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request by: temmietoby

this one is gonna be v spicy 🥵

also- idk how but I attracted so much of the mcyt fandom LMAOOO but hey yall lmao

ok here ya go ya horny fuckers 😘

papa smurf pov

I am currently railing tf outta smurfette.

her tight, blue pussy is so fucking wet for my dusty dick that may have a bit of erectile dysfunction. (I HATE THE WORD PUSSY LMAOOOOOO)

shes bent over backwards on a mushroom, just for me.


awww. look at that. she's about to come because of me.

"not now darling. but my name sounds so pretty coming from your mouth"

more high pitched moans were coming from her mouth, almost like whimpers.

so seggsy.

as I feel that I'm about to bust thy nut, I hear screams, and not the good kind.

as I turn to look at my little smurf village, I turn white.

gargamel was approaching, and has started terrorizing the village-

"ah shit. sorry shawty bae. we gotta finish this another time" I say quickly to smurfette as I pull out and clean myself up.

she gets mad and storms off angerly.

dumb bitch.

I then start walking towards gargamel, and he sees me and his eyes light up.

he then stops terrorizing everyone and walks towards me with a strange look in his eyes.

"papa smurf! just who I was looking for!" he says in his sexy accent.

it wasn't until now that o realized his outfit choice.

he was wearing knee high socks and a maid dress.

he was truly stunning.

I could feel my peenis grow.

"gargamel, what do you want?" I say, trying to sound annoyed. it must not have worked because he smirked at me, probably eyeing my obvious erection.

"papa smurf, im gay." is all he said.

this came as a surprise, but I was also relieved, because all I could think about was kissing his luscious lips.

before I could get a word in, he spoke.

"and papa smurf, word on the street is that you're bi. and by the look of that dick print in your pants, I have a feeling you're thinking that same thing im thinking 😏"

God he's so sexy.

without me saying anything, he picked me up gently, seeing the desperation in my eyes.

--time skip brought to you by gargamel's cat. I forgot its name oops. --

he took me to a secluded area. it's a small alleyway right next to an orphanage.

we both hurried to take off our clothes, me taking off my usual attire and him taking off his maid dress, but leaving the thigh highs on. he let his member spring free. as he sat down with a flushed face.

I walked towards him .

"I always knew you were a fucking bottom, gargamel" I teased as he whimpered and covered his face.

"no princess, let me see that pretty little face of yours." I sternly said.

he whimpered again and uncovered his face.

I climbed onto his lap, and pulled the edge of the thigh highs, letting it slap down with a snap.

"you kept these on for daddy? you fucking slut" I said as I mercilessly degraded him.

he easily became a whimpering mess, his face flushing even more and drool leaking from the edge of his mouth.

I climbed up even farther onto his lap, up until I got to his member.

its so-


it's a fucking chode.


(a/n: im so sorry for the sins I'm about to commit.)

I then climbed my tiny body onto the head of his dick, and climbed into his peen hole.

his sensitivity showed as he squirmed.

I adventure farther into him, as he became a moaning mess.

it must have felt good, because he was squirming and whimpering.

I then climbed out after giving him some pleasure, and then then stuck his little dick into my ass.

I started bouncing on him, going up and down.

"p-papa s-s-smurf. I'm c-close" he struggled to say.

"wait kitten, daddy's almost there"

I then turned around, and saw his thigh highs. that motivated me to keep bouncing faster and faster until we both came at the same time.

due to me being so small, the velocity of his cum shooting out caused me to go flying up a bit.

I landed on his legs, noticing the sweat and tears and cum on his sexy thigh highs.

"you did so good baby" I said, noticing him panting heavily.

he's my perfect little kitten <3


welp. there you go.

I did it.

hope ur horny now.

or crying.

either one works.



now go suck some cock.

or get pussy. i dont discriminate.

touch some boobies idk whatever floats ur boat


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