🏳️‍🌈PRIDE SERIES 22'🏳️‍🌈: property brothers

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that's the theme.

ily lil gay ppl in my phone I hope yoy are having a good day

ok also tw at the end.

and this oneshot sucks ik I'm sorry I will do better next time.

it's also hella gross at the end lmao.

------pov: uh drew??-----

morning wood.

that could mean various things if you're a contacter and property renovator like me and my brother, Johnathan.

I mean, I love the smell of freshly sawn wood in the morning as the sawdust fills the air.

unfortunately in this case, "morning wood" means I have erection.

I didnt means to- I don't even know how it happened. Mayne its all the testosterone in the air? wait does that make me ga-

I shakw the thoughts from my brain and continue wirh my morning, working in the current house we are renovating.

although within an hour, my rock hard massive thick girthy veiny 10 inch pink tip hairy cock was still erect, almost slipping from the waistband of my shorts as it stands tall and proud.

ig I'll have to take care of it 😔

so, at 7:45 am, I sneak into a little storage closet in the house.

I whip out lil buddy as start flapping away.

but its not little.

it's fucking MASSIVE.



but about 3 minutes and 29 seconds into my fap fest, the door to the closet opens as light comes pouring in.

"holy shit drew I am so sorry." my brother says as he closes his eyes and turns away embarrassed.

actions speak louder than words though, as I see the tent forming in his pants.

"omg Johnathan r you getting hard after seeing your brother beating his meat?? naughty boy" I say, feeling unhinged and as horny as ever.

my smirk widens as I see him slowly uncover his eyes and turn towards me, as list fills his eyes.

although I knew he was playing into my little trap, I did NOT expect a whimper come from him.

shock filled me as he practically threw himself at me, causing both of us to fall over and the door to shut, envolping us both in darkness.

"d-d-d-daddy drew- please take me right here and now please I need to be stuffed with your giant cock daddy please."

my shock was overpowered with desire, as I rolled him on his back as I hovered over him.

"oh does my little pup want my cock?? is my pup begging to be bred and filled with his alphas cock??? beg if you want it, slut." I say I don't know what came over me, but I dont even care. post nut clarity is gonna hit so damn hard tho lmao.

him whimpering intensified, so I took that as a cue to start undressing us.

I took off my belt and tied it around his wrists, binding them together, as well as use his shirt sleeve as a gag.

"oh aren't you just so pretty tied up. now my little slut can't move or talk. he'll just have to take my cock like a good boy."

I suddenly flipped him over and pulled his ass in the air. his puckered hole glistened for me as I started fingering his ass.

"mmmm you like that huh??' I said as his muffled moans filled the air.

after a while fingering his glory hole, my hands got tired so i looked around for another object to use.

then I saw in the corner- a bucket of paint.

slippery, wet, and a perfect substitute for lube.

I suddenly stuck my dick in the bucket of white paint and stuck it in his asshole.

his screams filled the air as I started trusting in and out, slapping my balls against his ass cheeks.

I then took a paintbrush and started tickling his dick and balls, torturing them.



and then I stopped.

"what. the. fuck. did. you. just. call. me?" u asked, with a glare on my face.

terror filled his eyes when he realized his mistake.


he couldn't even get his next sentence out because I took out my pocket knife and cut off his dick.

like clean off.

like fruit ninja typa shit.

eh it was small anyways. it was a disgrace to the family. that's all Johnathan ever was, anyways. just a failure. a stupid fucking useless idiot that contributed nothing to the world.

I then began thrusting as blood was pooling out of his severed pp and he was knocked out due to blood loss.

a mixture of paint, blood, and shit covered my cock but that made it all the hotter.

his unconscious body sped up my orgasm, as I thrusted 1 more time, filling his ass with yet another substance.

I let his limp body fall as I went up to get a bandage to sew his dick back on.

i need something to bounce on later lol.

but as I stepped out of the tiny closet, now filled with an almost dead property brother, his shit, cum, blood, and paint- I finally realized who I was.

I was able to live my pride.

I was able to slay slay slay.

I had come out of the closet

because I, Drew Scott, am gay.

and also a huge fan of incest.


ok I hated that it was so bad I am so sorry but I needed to start my pride series so I wasn't a failure lol.

this isn't funny its actually so disgusting.

next one will hopefully be funnier.

and hopefully not written at 11:30 pm.

but again so sorry.

bro honestly it's actually so much pressure trying to come up with funny smut knowing this book has over 150k reads cuz like if it's not funny then that's not good and I suck.

so I'm kinda debating not even posting this one.

but like also I'm tired and don't want to rewrite.

ok enough with the sappy "author has anxiety around perfectionism and is constantly worried about being good enough and funny enough." like bro stfu

anyways better smut is on the way. have fun..

also I like to imagine commenters getting excited when I respond to their comments because I like to think of myself as a niche internet micro celeb. like does this kinda happen or do you guys like not care at all because tbh I wouldn't blame you.

anyways I got off track again.

new chapter cumming soon.

bye babes <3

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