tucker carlson x ben shapiro x michael knowels

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request by: whydIjoin

literal genius request

I love this so much.



this took me a wee bit longer to write.

but eh.


get ur bleach ready.

also I am so sorry if you don't know who these ppl are lol American political figures (specifically right wing) partaking in homoerotic activities for the irony is funny lolz.

tucker carlson pov. (a few weeks ago I hit someone's car and his name was tucker #lolz)

I hate gay people.

gay people shouldn't exist.

like what the fuck.


I also hate Joe biden.

mf made the gas prices go up.

hES rUiNiNg aMerIca 😢

but yeah.

gay people.

they suck.

suck DICK-

and they just fucking suck like why do you exist you motherfucking fa-

Michael knowels pov

I hate gay people.

they r gross lol

so r women. I hate women.

that seems fruity, no?

not liking women? hmmm.

anyway I hate gay people but id suck trumps dick.

ok author can we move on from a homophobic republican rant and get on with the storyline?

ok so I'm doing something at the fox News hq

like, me and my bros r doing something for TV.

so me, tucker carlson, and Ben shapiro r doing live interviews!

we're sat in like a semi circle in front of a camera doing question things.

so cool.

but not rlly.

Ben looks- sick?

idk he's acting off

we're going to the bar afterwards so maybe I'll check on him then.

but for right now- I get to talk about how the election was rigged and my deep burning love for capitalism!

lil subby Benny boo shapiro pov

sitting in the fox News headquarters with tucker and Michael talking about our hate for gay ppl has- an effect on me.

I'm horny.

i have a raging boner.

and it'd not from a woman that's for sure.

and I'm pretty fucking sure you can see my boner through my stupid khakis.

every so often I shift uncomfortably.

its- hot in here jeez.

I cant wait to get our of here.

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