Chapter 35

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After dinner the Xiao Bai And Ming Xue duo changed their clothes for something more appropriate for the occasion and went down. While climbing down the stairs they saw Ruo Lan and Xuwei sitting at one of the sofa in the living waiting for them.

"Good evening." Xiao Bai politely greeted with a smile.

"You're finally here." Xuwei stood up and went to Xiao Bai. Because of the incident earlier Ming Xue was keeping his eyes on him incase he did something out of bounds. Noticing the glares Ming Xue was sending towards him he couldn't help but say, "Calm down, okay? I won't do anything, yet."

After hearing this Xiao Bai couldn't help himself but elbow Xuwei then whispered, "Are deliberately trying to provoke my subordinate?"

Xuwei only turned his head to the other side to avoid Xiao Bai's scrutinizing gaze. However, what he said is true. He really won't do anything at the moment, he respects Xiao Bai and he will follow the process for his sake, he was a gentleman after all. But that doesn't mean he won't do anything in the future. And he was quite confident about it.

Ming Xue on the other hand was not as immature as Xuwei that he will react to such childish provocation. He pride himself on his calmness and rationality in every situation. But it seems like he was not so confident anymore. Because the childhood friend that he once parted and reconciled with was not pestering him making him lose his demeanor.

"Ming-xiong, what happened between you and my young master? Are you two in some kind of conflict? Hey, can you spill some tea?" Ruo Lan rained questions one after another. Truly annoying. Ming Xue felt his veins bulging on his forehead, he took a deep breath and distanced himself from Ruo Lan.

When they were about to set out Xiao Bai felt like something was missing, "Where's the other kid?"

The three other look at Xiao Bai then asked, "Kid?"

Xiao Bai finally realized what he just blurted out and corrected himself, "I mean where's DIngwu? Won't he make a fuss about leaving him behind?"

Knowing that he meant that Guan Dingwu, they finally understood why Xiao Bai viewed him as a kid. He really act like one. So they all nodded in understanding.

Ruo Lan raised his hand and said, "I invited him earlier but he doesn't seem well. He said that he ate something bad along the way and now his stomach hurts, so he can't go play tonight."

Shifting their attention on Ruo Lan they can't help but think, 'ah right. There's another one right here.'

"Then that's too bad. Lets just bring him something when we go back." Xiao Bai considerately said. The three of them didn't disagree and finally walk out of the building.

They walked for five minutes after finally nearing the plaza. Along the way there were many shops that sells delicacies and shops that sells scented pouches, fans, and other miscellaneous things. It was particularly lively given that a lot of schools also arrived at the same day. The streets were literally loitered with groups of people happily going around.

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