Chapter 12

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On the next day of the exams, a school staff came knocking to their doors. Steward Nan, went and recieved it then paced towards xiao bai's room.

"Young master, a letter and a box from the academy arrived."

"Just enter and put it in the table." Xiao Bai answered with a hoarse voice.  

Nan RuZui said his excuse and opened the door, inside he saw his young master rolling in the bed, not wanting to get up. This was already a normal occurance so steward nan just made his way to the table and placed the letter on top of it.

Since Xiao Bai arrived at Yang Gui he always woke up around 9:00 am. No one can blame. He pretty much have a hectic schedule since transmigrating, he didn't have enough time to slow down.

Havina free day in school means more day off for him from the original's life affairs.

Nan RuZui bowed to him and went out continuing his daily work.

After the man left, Xiao Bai returned to his beauty rest. But after many twists and turns he couldn't sleep anymore. He cursed the academy for delivering the letter at such a time.

He got up with a disgruntled face. He felt a little dizzy so he decided to take a shower first.

After finishing his hygiene routine, he clothes himself with the simpliest and most comfortable robe he could find. How did the ancient people survived throughout their lives wearing such heavy fabrics anyway?

Just having 2 layers of jacket in the modern times is already a little bit too much. If given permission, he could just walk around with his undergarment.

He put on a thin white robe, it was a little loose so he could freely move around and the it just glaces to his skin in every movements. There's not much friction so he smiled finally in a good mood.

Before attending his business, he first looked at the mirror. He needs to tidy his hair. However, he doesn't really like tying it up in a ponytail, too troublesome.

So he just gathered his hair up and formed it in a messy bun. Little baby hairs framing his little face. It was a cute sight to behold but also a little tempting. 

"Let's see" Xiao Bai said to himself as he opened the envelope.

The letter is indeed to notify him about gaining the title of a champion. They also said that he needs to make a speech in behalf of the freshmen in the opening ceremony.

He put the letter down and picked the box, putting it in front of him. He opened it and saw a red robe with gold linings embroidered on the edges and corners giving it a full contrast to the colors.

He knew that it was a garment for champions in the ancient time. 

The color red represents love that's why chinese weddings are suggested to wear red wedding robes, red can also mean prosperity so businesses will always have something red, that's why the ancient monarchs always wear red to welcome prosperity from the gods and love from it's people.

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