Chapter 37

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"Hey, don't you think these two are
acting a little weird?" Xiao Bai whispered to Xuwei.

The four of them are currently walking towards the venue where the official opening ceremony will commence.

It had already been two days when they arrived and also strolled since that evening, and starting then that Mingxue and Ruo Lan started acting a little bit off. It really makes one wonder what happened that night. 

Xuwei slowly rubbed his hand on his chin trying to recall something, " Well when I returned to bed that night, I saw Ruo Lan being all bothered and flustered. How about Mingxue, did he act out of ordinary?" 

Xiao Bai, "Now that you've mentioned it, I think he really did. When I arrived at our room, he was still out, it was about 5 minutes later when he arrived, he also looks kinda spaced out and didn't even talk to me like he used to. He even avoided any eye contact."

Xuwei then reached his conclusion, " Something definitely must have really happened then."

Xiao Bai felt a slightly worried for those two, he helped them make up after all and now they're starting at it again, " What should we do? They just reconciled and now they're back at it again?"

But this time around Xuwei decided to do the opposite of what they did in the past, "I say, we do nothing. Its going to be okay, they'll figure it out themselves, we should just watch in the sidelines this time."

Xiao Bai shrugged, " Why do you say so?"

The other just smiled and said, "Just because so."


At the outdoor venue where they will be having the opening ceremony for the said event, many students have already gathered. Now that everyone are all in one place, it was very noticeable just how many people are and how huge this place is  since there's never really human traffic in the last three days they stayed.

Each school has their own respective cubicle. So when the four arrived, president Zhou is already standing upfront of the group, headcounting and making sure that everyone is present and disciplined.

The 4 of them sat at the free seats in the back and was listening to Zhou Zhening when two voices bickering started nearing towards their cubicle, gathering all the people's attention. Looking at the source of the commotion Xiao Bai and the rest couldn't help but just shake their heads and sigh helplessly knowing that the bickering duo was as usual young master Yuan and young master Lou, the two that Xiao Bai first met in the auction house.

"You two! Tune it down!" Zhou Zhening reprimanded and you can see the bulging veins on his head. Later that day Yuan XiangXin and Lou Ziyan got an earful from the president.

Going back to the present, the members from Yin Hai Academy's student council went to do rounds, making sure that everything was going well and to ensure that everything goes without a hitch.

When the host finally appeared and announced the arrival of the guests, the students gradually quieted down. They don't want to offend the guests of such event. And boy, the guest list really didn't disappoint. Powerful people with strong backgrounds, one after another, appeared on the platform and took their respective seats.

Xiao Bai immediately noticed the familiar face of Xuwei's dad and elbowed the other on his side, " You didn't say that uncle would come."

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