Chapter 22

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"I am Xin XuWei."

"XuWei?" Because of the sudden drop of the bomb Xiao Bai felt that he was hearing it wrong and asked if he really got it right.

"Yes." XuWei smirked and calmly answered.

"You mean that XuWei from the Xin country?" Xiao Bai asked to clear his suspicion however he would be lying if he said that he didn't thought of this possibility.

"Yes. I've heard that you're looking for me? Are you surprised?" XuWei leaned to the table with his hand supporting his cheeks.

"Ah yes. It's just that I imagined his highness quite far different from you so I'm a little shock." Xiao Bai calmed down and came back to his normal self, like he didn't hear something trivial just now.

"Oh? How do you imagine me?"XuWei got triggered all of a sudden.

"I just thought that he would be like quite mature and intimidating. You know? Like how Ming xue usually is?" Xiao bai answered truthfully.

According to the information that his uncle gave him, his highness is a young genius who experienced war and led thousands of troops to victory.

Naturally, one would thought that his highness is a mature young adult. But it came out to be XuWei, one of the most clingiest person he ever made acquaintance with.

"Well. Actually I might quite have an idea of your real identity since the first day." Xiao continued with a chuckle seeing XuWei feeling gloomy all of a sudden.

"Really? But how?" And XuWei's mood has swung into the positive side once again.

Hearing that he actually left an impression on Xiao Bai is enough to melt all his gloominess away. He's feeling down because Xiao Bai said that ming xue is more like a crown prince by the way, hayst.

"You know, in the entrance exam, I noticed that you kept staring at me from behind. You wasted a lot of time so when I finished my article I happened to glance at you while you were writing so I found that you are quite talented in handling your brush which means you compose words often and you didn't even stop to think instead it felt like you already arrived at your conclusion. "

"But that's not enough. What if I'm just a young master from a literary family?" To be honest what Xiao Bai said was pretty much also has a point.

Even though one came from some literary families they are not that well-versed in political issues but with poems and songs instead. And the one they wrote that day is about political literature which is like a piece of cake for a prince who mingles in the court at such a young age.

However, XuWei was getting addicted to how Xiao Bai actually observed him and also praises him indirectly.

Xiao bai, "In the martial arts, sword fight, and archery. You did very well in the three. And yes, there were quite a few who are good in writing and fighting but you are quite different. For the bases, I knew that the crown prince is good at both so it narrows the possible targets in drastic measures. While watching the fight I was observing about 10 people however when you fought in the martial arts match, I knew you were holding back."

"How did you know?" XuWei was now interested. It was like they were gossiping about a complete different person.

Xiao bai, "I knew, because the way you deliver your attacks, you deliberately lower it's attack power when it was about to hit. You also lower the momentum of every attack, I could also see that you are calculating every movements."

"Well that's quite right.. But someone is actually telling me about not fighting seriously when they also played with their opponents." XuWei pretended that he was talking about other people but Xiao Bai knew it was him.

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