Chapter 16

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As expected, uncle Nan was waiting outside with their ride. Uncle Nan was occasionally glancing in the gate so he noticed that someone was carrying Ming xue on his back.

Uncle Nan immediately ran to them and helped support Ruo lan.

"Good heavens! What happened?" Nan RuZui said worriedly.

"Just some misunderstanding. Please help us put ming xue inside." Xiao bai replied so Uncle nan didn't ask any further questions and helped Ruo lan to comfortably let Ming xue lie down inside the carriage.

XuWei turned to Xiao bai and said, "I'm gonna go back to the faculty room to make a leave request for Ming xue."

Xiao bai nodded, "Please do."

XuWei smiled and ran back, also dragging Ruo Lan with him, "See you tomorrow!"

Xiao bai, "See you tomorrow."

Xiao bai also settled himself inside and let Uncle Nan lead them back home. After a few minutes they arrived home. Uncle Nan immediately went to ask Yifan to find a physician to touch Ming xue up.

Mu Yifan was about to ask uncle Nan but he felt that getting a physician is more important so he hurriedly went out.

Nan Ruzui put Ming xue on his back with Xiao bai's help and go to ming xue's room. Waiting for Yifan, Uncle Nan went to grab a new clothes for ming xue to wear later while Xiao Bai just found somewhere to sit down and wait.

He doesn't look that worried at all. The wounds are not that complicated, but it still needs to get dressed and some medicines are also need in order for it to heal faster.

A knock soon sounded and Uncle nan opened the door. Mu Yifan and the physician entered.

"Good day to you Young Master. I am Liu Xiang." The man introduced himself.

Xiao bai stood up and nodded, "Good day to you too Physician Liu. I am Wang Bai, as you can see I have an injured comrade here please touch him up and prescribe some medicines for the wounds to heal faster."

Physician Liu looks towards the lying patient, "The cuts are not too deep and not in vital parts so it should be okay. I'll give you the prescription later when I'm done."

Xiao Bai nodded, "Just leave the prescriptions to Steward Nan." He pointed at Nan RuZui who was standing behind him, "I'll retire for now."

Physician Liu and Nan RuZui bowed slightly and Xiao Bai left the room. He also had Yifan in tow. Yifan was following Xiao Bai all the way to his room and Xiao Bai suddenly stopped in front of the door and turned to Mu Yifan.

"Yifan prepare a hot bath water, I'm going to take a shower. Bring a tea and snack also." Xiao Bai requested.

"Right away, Young master." Yifan then went away once again to get the snacks ready before fetching water.

Entering his room, Xiao Bai jumped to his bed and rolled around. He was angrily rolling and holding his head like a crazy man.

'What the—. What am I doing earlier? Seriously?! If Ming xue didn't come in time I might really have kissed that man! Ugh! So frustrating!' Xiao bai scolded his self over and over again.

'Maybe I got possessed? Oh, on the other hand, I am possessing this body right now. It's good that I kept my cool and didn't show a big reaction. Why am I acting like some girl who got their crush's attention?' Xiao bai was seriously about to lose it.

Even though he had a boyfriend before. They didn't really do something too intimate such as kissing. All they did was coddle and hold hands. Maybe it was the reason why his boyfriend cheated on him.

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