Chapter 32

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As soon as the next morning came, Xiao bai's fame rose once again. Of course xuwei was also on par with him.

Everyday the 4 would hang out and they will always receive random greetings from random people which made xiao bai feel like a celebrity.

And for the whole spring, Xuwei was forced to drink vinegar silently every once in a while. Why is this? It's because Xiao bai has been receiving a lot of confessions from a lot of female students right in front of his face.

Of course there are also a lot of confessions to Xuwei himself but he always harshly turn it down. Firmly chanting that he only have Xiao bai in his heart and in his eyes. However Xiao bai is not as harsh as him, he would either smile at them while turning them down then it leave them some glimpse of hopes.

Xiao bai is a modern man, and also not a straight one. In short he never experienced receiving this things from women, so he didn't know what to do. So he unconsciously give them hope by politely but positively talking to them.

A week passed since their little event happened, the confessions were not that many. However as days passed and the word has spread far and wide, that when it really became very tedious. Of course Xiao bai appreciates it, but he also noticed that Xuwei has been acting cold to him.

At the first two weeks, Xuwei would just go home early than usual instead of waiting for them to go home together. He would have many excuses like he has something to do, but after that he completely don't bother to talk with Xiao Bai anymore.

Xiao Bai was of course very puzzled, he tried so hard to think of every possible reasons for Xuwei to suddenly have a cold war with him but he really couldn't find the right answer.

And so they spent the remaining week of their spring season with misunderstanding. Today was officially Summer, the two months of spring has finally passed. The air also has become a little bit hotter.

"Mingxue, it has been a weeks since Xuwei last  talked to me. Tell me, what do you think is the problem?" Xiao Bai asked XuWei on their way to their classroom.

'The problem is that you're too dense to notice the problem.' Mingxue wanted to say but of course he won't since he don't have any right to mix in. As long as XuWei doesn't have any threat to Xiao Bai, then he won't do anything unnecessary.

By now, Mingxue already guessed that XuWei really did have some feelings for his young master. It was actually quite noticeable to the naked eyes, as long as you had one.

The way XuWei treat Xiao Bai was way too different. He treats Xiao Bai with utmost care and gentleness, but he was usually cruel and rude at other people. Even with Ruo Lan who was his confidant since childhood, he was also quite ruthless.

"Wouldn't it be better if you just ask him directly?" Mingxue suggested.

"How could I ask him if he obviously doesn't want to talk to me!" Xiao Bai frustratingly said.

"The summer solstice will come up soon. How about taking that chance?" Mingxue said, remembering that the summer festival will take part soon.

"That...doesn't sound like a bad idea." Xiao Bai thought seriously.

Mingxue just shook his head. He would be lying if he said that he doesn't quite feel sad about the two's development but as long as Xiao Bai is happy then he would naturally support them unconditionally. Besides, although Xiao Bai himself doesn't realize it, Mingxue could see that Xiao Bai gives XuWei too much participation and anticipation for him to be just a simple friend.

The duo finally arrived, and as usual Ruo Lan was only the one who greeted them. Xiao Bai greeted him back and glanced at Xuwei who was clearly not paying attention to them. Xiao Bai sat dejectedly and sighed.

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