Chapter 33

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That night Xuwei kept tossing and turning on his bed, unable to sleep. He failed big time asking Xiao bai earlier and the summer solstice festival will start tomorrow.

He missed talking with xiao bai. He missed their usual interactions. He missed everything.. Geez, it seems like he inherited his father's genes far too much. And in this moment it's manifesting itself.

Guess I have no choice but to go, huh.

He thought as he shot his body up and  swiftly wore his robes, ready to rush into battle. This time, he will surely ask him out. He already waited for quite a while and nothing seems to be changing. If he don't take his chance now them maybe that person will slip out of his grasp soon, unable to retrieve.

"Young master, to where are you going this late at night?" Ruo lan asked when he happened to spot this sneaky prince while doing a patrol.

Xuwei glanced at him and smiled playfully, " I'm going to where my happiness is."

He then disappeared into the middle of the night leaving the confuse little chaperone behind.
After a few minutes Xuwei successfully arrived at Xiao bai's place. He looked left at right, cautious of Ming xue who might be patrolling at this hour. But it seems like they all went to bed already so he stealthily walked around to the back where Xiao Bai's window was facing.

Xuwei slowly climbed up of the tree near xiao bai's window to look. However he was surprised to find that in xiao bai's window radiated a small lit candle.

That's strange. He isn't asleep yet?

Xuwei thought. He then held his pebble in a stance, aiming it at the wooden window that was slightly open.

Xiao bai who was innocently scrabbling at his table jerked his head towards the window.

What was that?

Asking himself is futile. So he just stood up and went towards the window to check for himself. He fully opened the window but it was dark outside so he really couldn't see anything.

"Xiao bai.."

A low voice called him. He traced the source of the voice and looked at the tree that was facing his window. He doesn't have any good feeling about this at all. Remembering that time when Xuwei entered his room through this window as well.

'Well then I'll play with you, you idiot. After ignoring for how many days —or was it weeks?— and you come here. In the middle of the night at that.'

Thinking like this Xiao Bai closed the window, completely ignoring the talking monkey on his backyard.

Xuwei was baffled at this. Guess he's really mad after all!

Xiao bai calmly went back to his table and continued his papers. This was the task of listing all possible students to participate on the upcoming event.

As for would be a lie if he said that he's not that affected about xuwei's recent behavior, and ming xue also said that they should talk it out nicely.

'He pisses me off!' Xiao Bai scolded in his head.

'Such a big baby. Ignoring me all of a sudden, and I didn't even know what my fault was. If I don't act tough now, he will just be spoiled in the future. He'll think that I'm an easy person. You started this off Xuwei, I'm just playing along.'

Suddenly the window opened forcefully!

"Shit, I forgot locked the window!"

Xiao bai immediately turned towards the scene and found the said person already inside.

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