Chapter 20

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On the entire day, XuWei pretended like he didn't know his father at all. After the class ended, XuWei immediately pulled Xiao Bai to head to the orchid room.

So Ruo Lan and Ming xue was left to pack their masters' things.

While going out and heading towards the front gate, Ming xue asked Ruo lan.

"Ruo-xiong, I know you're in the emperial guards. And I have this feeling since the first day. Is WeiXu the crown pr—.." Before he could finish the word prince Ruo Lan blocked his mouth with both hands while looking around.

Ming xue removed his hands and continued to walk like nothing happened. Ruo Lan caught up to him with heavy steps like a child throwing tantrums, "How can you be so calm while saying such things?" he scolded Ming xue.

He thought that since they made up Ming xue will go back to his cheerful self but he was mistaken. Ming xue became more bold, unpredectable, and black-bellied.

Ruo lan could only admit defeat infront of such a man, " Anyway, why do you want to know?"

Ming xue, "Xiao bai came to this school to seek His highness and obtain a strong backer."

Ruo lan, "why would he need a backer? Is he in some kind of trouble?"

"He is trying to win back his kingdom." This might be a big news but it was also necessarily a hidden thing so Ming xue was not afraid to disclose the information to Ruo Lan.

However Ruo Lan was surprised. With wide eyes and opened mouth in disbelief he asked, "So wang bai is some kind of heir? But when I ran and did some investigation.." Ruo Lan immediately closed his mouth and hit his head for running about.

"What do you mean investigation?" Ming xue stopped at his tracks.

Ruo lan was suddenly in cold sweats and finally he thought of an excuse, "In the opening ceremony. Yes, uhm. Young master was curious to have someone on the same level as him so we took a background check."

Ming xue felt something was odd, but the reasoning is acceptable so he didn't pry anymore. "Of course you won't. The Lin concubine of Wang kingdom said that the young master is dead. She even erased all the existence of General Zhao. However, General Zhao's legend was far more wide so even though his name was not mentioned, everyone still remembers him."

Ruo Lan, "Then, are you thinking of telling Wang Bai about His Highness?"

Ming xue, "Yes. But I should talk with His Highness first before I tell Xiao Bai." Ruo Lan also aggreed with him.
Going back to Xiao Bai and XuWei.

They are currently walking towards the Orchid room much more easier since they already know the way. When they arrived, Zhou Zhineng was on his table copying some books.

Zhineng calles out to them and he smiled, "Master Qin, Master Wang. Please have seat."

Zhineng then stood up and lead them to the back of the orchid room where the garden was. The garden was full of white pebbles and there are racks of flowers with different kinds. There are orchids, chrysanthemum, roses, lilac and many more.

In the center of the garden was a white stone table surrounded by four stone chairs as well. It was an open area so they could enjoy the fresh scent of flowers and a nice weather.

The secretary that entertained them last time brought them tea and peaches then excused herself.

"Enjoy your tea." Zhineng invited them.

Xiao bai and Xuwei tasted the tea. "This is chrysanthemum tea?" Xiao Bai asked and drank more.

Zhineng smiled then proudly said, "Yes. And it was fresh from this garden."

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