Chapter 5

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*back at the present time*

Fengsheng couldn't help but sigh recalling the past. Thinking of it brought pain to his heart once again.

"We were so close, and yet it was all too late.", Fengsheng ended his story while clenching his fists, sadness and regret evident in his eyes.

Xiao Bai got closer to his uncle and patted one of his shoulder to show his symphaty, "Uncle Zhao, even though I don't remember my mother anymore, I know that she is a great woman."

FengSheng smiled gently at his nephew and nodded at him.

He understood as to why Xiao Bai forgotten his past, it was because it caused the child too much trauma that it automatically chose to erase the painful memories and move on forwards.

Fengsheng noticed that it was already late so he let Xiao Bai go to rest for the day and that they would continue their conversation once they arrived at their destination.
Morning arrived, little rays of sunlight penetrated through Xiao Bai's curtains. He sat up and dazedly look around.

'And-I'm still here.~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~~.'

He got up and took a short bath, got himself into a new set of clothes that his uncle provided him and tidied his hair into a ponytail. 

Looking satisfied at his self,he got out and greeted his uncle a good morning. Fengsheng greeted him back and told him to go check on his mom, Xiao Ling.

Xiao Bai trotted towards Xiao Ling's room and carefully opened the door.

Though to his surprise, Xiao Ling is already awake while sitting on the bed, her back resting on the headboard and looking through the open window so she didn't noticed Xiao Bai entering.

"Mom, you're awake.", Xiao Bai said softly and approached her bedside and sat down.

"Mn. I'm fine now, just a little dizzy."

"Then just rest for the day, I'll go out and get you some breakfast. Do you want anything specific?", Xiao Bai asked as he thought that Xiao Ling might haven't had a Breakfast yet.

"Anything is fine.", she answered.

"Okay, just wait a little.", Xiao Bai replied and stood up. After going out he bumped with his uncle Zhao coming out from the kitchen.

"Uncle, mom is awake already, though I think that she still needs to recuperate for today.", Xiao Bai informed him.

Fengsheng,"That's good to hear...Are you going to get some food for her?"

Xiao Bai, "Yeah, I'm going to prepare some breakfast for her."

Fengsheng nodded in acknowledgedment and told him to hurry and meet him in the terrace afterwards.

After finishing his work inside the kitchen, he headed back towards Xiao ling's room. He prepared a simple congee for her and readied the tonic that the physician gave.

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