Chapter 27

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Xiao Bai was exhausted after all that happened that day, now all he wanted is to lay flat on his mattress and take a nice long nap.

Immediately after Xiao Bai and mingxue arrived home, he directly and straightly went to his room. Reaching his longed bed, he threw himself in the soft bed and let out a loud and long sigh of relief. While still laying on his back he lazily pulled all his robes, wriggling his body around to unfasten it and throw it all to who knows where it lands.

After all that wriggling around he panted and chased his breathe. He crawled to his pillow and drifted to the dreamworld.

Xiao Bai felt that darkness eventually engulfed him, but then he hears voices. It was neither the ones he was familiar with but it was voices of small children laughing, giggling and playing around.

Xiao Bai tightened his brows, "Who let children play inside the courtyard?" He thought.

Xiao bai felt annoyed at the noises and opened his eyes only to find that he was in a playground. Did I get sucked by a black hole? He joked.

He looked around the area and confirmed that this was like his original world. He walked around and found to kids playing at the sand bar. He walked towards to two to ask where he was since their was no one around aside them.

"Hey." He called out to them but they didn't reached even one bit. He thought that it was just because they were too immerses at their play so they didn't heard him.

He reached his hands to the boy but his hands passed through them, "W—what the hell is going on?!"

Xiao Bai was shocked. Is if the reason that they couldn't hear him? Did he turn into a ghost? Since when did he die?

Xiao Bai was in a confused mess but the two kids are still playing like theirs no one around and that they were the only ones in their own little world.

"Xiao Bai!" One of them called out. Xiao Bai immediately turned his head towards him with eyes full of anticipation. However the one who callwd out wasn't looking at him but at the other kid whose back is facing Xiao Bai instead. Xiao bai, as an invisible person, just observed.

The one who called out was tall compared to the other, he also seem to be very outgoing and cheerful, despite the young age he already looked handsome and manly.

The little one that was also called Xiao Bai looked up to the other with asking eyes, "What was it, Weiwei." He asked in a very cute voice. Compare to the other this 'xiao bai' is little more delicate and gentle, the type that would easily cry even with the most silly things.

'Weiwei?' Xiao Bai thought. He felt that he heard this name before but he couldn't quite remember.

"Let's build a castle!" Weiwei enthusiastically said.

"I am building one right now."Little Xiao Bai answered. Weiwei looked at little Xiao bai's castle.

"That's not how you build it." Weiwei said looking at the little pile of sand.

"Well don't worry, I'll make the castle. You sit there and instruct me how do you want it to be like." Weiwei said confidently while assisting little Xiao Bai on the side and patting his dusty hands.

"But I want to help." Little Xiao Bai said pitifully.

"The heavy works should be mine. Building our palace should be my job and your job is to stay by my side." Weiwei said.


"No buts." Weiwei said firmly.

"Okay." Little Xiao Bai said in defeat.

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