Chapter 14

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The class continued as Yang wenshu instructed.

They are currently toured around and they also got to meet upperclassmen while doing so.

While associating with fellow schoolmates the ones that stood out the most was none other than Xiao Bai and XuWei. Many female seniors flocked around XuWei to get close to him and there are also many males who wants to befriend him.

Xiao Bai was also flocked by both genders, however the all their goals was the exact opposite of Xuwei's. That's right, Xiao Bai got approached by some male seniors because they thought that he was a she but it turns out that their goddess was actually a trap.

But despite knowing that he is a he they still don't want to give up in getting to know a peerless beauty, and same as the female seniors they approved Xiao Bai hoping to exchange some routines on how to manage such a jade-like skin but it turns out that he was a pretty guy.

The attention to befriend turned into admiration.

Next in the popularity line were Ziyan, XiangXin, Ruo Lan, and Ming xue.

Speaking of Ruo Lan and Ming Xue, since coming back from lunch break they didn't interact at all.

Even exchanging glances or meeting of the eyes are absent. It was almost like they don't know each other and that they are just complete strangers.

Yang wenshu was laughing and giggling from all the commotion they received. Having such outstanding individuals in one frame have a different impact.

When he thought that it was time to go to the next spot, he jokingly shooed the students, "Now, now. Everyone should go back to studying. These beautiful faces won't help you in graduating."

And the students replied with a disappointed moan and left dejectedly while pouting.

Yang wenshu laughed and chuckled hearing their responses. He clapped his hands and ordered the special class to be in order so they could move on.

Whilst the messed up students who organized themselves, XuWei slowly made his way to Xiao Bai who was somewhere in the back. XuWei swiftly walk pass him and secretly handed a folded paper into Xiao bai's hand.

Because it was all too sudden Xiao Bai held the paper involuntarily. From his hand he looked up to XuWei who was now walking away to the front. Xiao Bai suddenly got confused and looked at the folded paper in his hand once again.

It was small ball of crumpled paper that it could fit in Xiao bai's palm. Unfolding i,there were words 'Private. Don't let others see.' Seeing that Ming xue was just behind him, he chose to hide it first and think of a chance to read the letter.

After a few turns, Yang wenshu announced that they are in the Flowering Dream Area. This area was once mentioned by Yang LianHua. This place was dedicated to the founder's daughter who loves flowering trees.

Yang wenshu went on the details of it's history. After finishing the story he let the students roam around for a short while.

"Ming xue, I'm going to take a breather in there for a short while." Xiao Bai looked backwards to Ming xue while pointing at a big wisteria tree.

Ming xue followed the place where he pointed at and back at him, "Should I go with you?"

Xiao bai, "No need, no need. I'll come back immediately. You go roam around."

Ming xue nodded and watched as Xiao Bai walked towards the wisteria tree and sat down, his back pressing on it. Ming xue seeing that he was relaxing, he also amused himself around with lots of flowering trees to look at.

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