Chapter 7

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Two weeks have past by in a blink of an eye.

The slender body have transformed into more like of a man. In the past, even though Xiao Bai's body is already fit, you couldn't really tell that he have muscles unless you're close to him or touch him.

But now, due to his extra exercise learning the basic of martial arts, body became more defined. He really felt good whenever he saw himself.

It's just that, the pretty muscles are still hidden in his robe which is a little disappointing, in short he can't flex this define body at all unless he strip or change into a warrior's suit.

In the first week as he promised, he focused on studying politics and literature which is like a piece of cake for him.

In terms of literature, the ancient times don't have that deep history yet except for the founders of each kingdom and some legendary figures which are not that hard to familiarize, so poems and such are it's mainly focus and Xiao Bai as someone whose also a writer in his past life felt that he could even write better.

In the past, he wrote at least 5 books. From Boys love, to fantasy, to horror and so on. However, he only managed to finish one, and it's the book he wrote with the inspiration of his lover, thinking about it makes him bitter once again.

The other books will always have 1 to 3 chapters forgotten for how many decades╮(─▽─)╭.

You know, the typical, I have an interesting plot, I write it, then get a writer's block, and finally give up(╥_╥).

Going back to literature. This includes painting, music (either singing or playing instruments), calligraphy and intellectual games like Go, Chinese chess, and many others.

As for the topic of politics. It mainly focuses about the knowledge of an individual about the country.

Just like the in the modern times when the government would conduct many researches,  sensus, collect data, etc. to have an idea about the life of it's people.

And as a modern man he was confident that he could use some methods to make this place better.

Politics as the name suggest, one must have high political insights. In short, this scholars are likely to be an advisor to help the emperor in many ways. Like tactics to be use for controlling some corrupt nobles or officials, advise on how the emperor could maintain his image in the people's eyes.

Choose the trustworthy persons to be put in positions.And help the ruler to choose a country worthy of their alliance.

Xiao bai is a cautious person. He grew this personality as soon as he found out that his best friend and boyfriend was cheating on her.

So being observant and vigilant had been etched in his heart and soul as if he couldn't really trust anyone. The only person that he could trust for now are Xiao Ling, Uncle Zhao, and Ming xue but that doesn't mean that he's unguarded.

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