Chapter 36

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The night was coming to an end when XuWei begged for Ming Xue and Ruo Lan to give them some time alone.

"Please, you can just follow us like 3 meters away, that way we can at least have personal space, and you know? Talk in private." XuWei pleaded to Ming Xue while Xiao Bai and Ruo Lan are picking gifts for Dingwu and the seniors in the committee.

"Guys, we already bought some gifts, should we head home?" Xiao Bai said at the two, behind him was Ruo Lan who was holding the goods.

XuWei nervously looked at Ming Xue like he was looking at his father-in-law. Defeated and although very reluctant, Ming Xue just tsked and looked away.

Xiao Bai looked at them confusedly, especially at Xuwei who looking too excited.

"Let's go to one last stop first before we go home." Xuwei opened. Xiao Bai said okay while nodding and followed Xuwei.

Ruo Lan was about to catch up when he noticed that Ming Xue was actually taking his time and pace, "Ming Xue, you don't want to catch up with them?" He finally asked.

"His Highness begged quite sincerely." Ming Xue honestly stated with a straight face so you really can't tell what he's thinking. Ruo Lan just nodded in understanding and finally accompained Ming Xue.


"So you finally got Ming Xue's permission huh?" Xiao Bai giggled teasingly.

Xuwei earnestly said, "It was hard okay? I'm a prince, but I'll do anything to have a time with you."

"So, where are we headed?" Xiao Bai was curios.

"We're almost there." And with that Xuwei picked up his pace while holding Xiao Bai's hand.

After some time, they arrived at a glistening lake. On it's surface reflects the silver moonlight, and the smallest ripples can make it spark like stars in the galaxies.

The river banks were full of stones and not far away are lushfull vegetations with all sorts of lanterns to light the surrounding up.

There was a small bridge to cross the river, the rails were carved with intricate designs and has red laquer. Ming Xue led Xiao Bai to climb at the center of the bridge to fully admire the beauty of such place.

"How did you found this place?" Xiao Bai asked, there were no one besides them, its like they're the ones left in this world.

"I got some tips from my old man." He casually answered.

"From the empeー I mean from uncle?"

"Yes, he's still a teacher after all, he has insider's information." Xuwei explained.

Xiao Bai nodded, "Yeah, that makes sense."

Xiao Bai went back to staring at the waters, he could clearly see the reflection of the moon on the surface of the river, it was truly mesmerizing, and somehow cold. It made him look back to the times when he died. The moon also shined as bright as this.

His mood was downgrading when he felt something chilly on his neck, he looked back and saw Xuwei cheekily smiling at him. Xiao Bai then reached for his neck and examined the necklace.

"What's this?"

Xuwei, "Its a necklace."

Xiao Bai, "I know its a necklace but why?"

Xuwei touched the pendant on Xiao Bai's necklace, gently caressing it. "Its a necklace to remind you how much you mean to me and how much I love you."

Xuwei then pulled Xiao Bai into a hug, sliding has fingers through Xiao Bai's hair, "There are three thing I love in this world. I love the stars, I love the moon, and I love you forever."

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