Chapter 28

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Gu YiCheng wickedly smiled and pointed his sword towards his target, "You! Come down and have a fight with me. Let me humiliate you in front of all this people who are currently here."

The crowd fell into a long silence after that. All their gazes are pinned at the man who Gu Yicheng was pointing at.

Xiao Bai looked left and right, confused at what he got himself into.

"XuWei, am I the one he was pointing at? Or was he pointing at you?" Xiao Bai tugged at XuWei's sleeves with an awkward smile.

"I think it's you." XuWei glared at Gu Yicheng as if he was already a dead man in his eyes. How dare this nobody try to invite Xiao Bai in a duel? Is he courting death?

"Guess I don't have a choice then?" He sighed and stood up, the crowd's eyes are also following his every action.

"Young master it's not necessary for you to take him on. He's not worth of your sword nor your fist." Mingxue stood up and stopped him, his voice full of certainty that Gu Yicheng is just some low life that's not even worth of his eyes. Hearing this the crowd issued a gasp and this made Gu YiCheng even madder than before.

'Are you really worried for me or do you want to let them hurt me even more?' Xiao Bai grieved in his heart as he looked at the indifferent ming xue and the berserk Gu YiCheng.

"Are you gonna fight him?" Dingwu rushed to Mingxue's side and also stared at Xiao bai.

"Well..I don't really wanna figh—.."

"Of course! With young master bai's skills I'm sure that he will win." Before Xiao Bai could finish what he wanted to say Ruo Lan already butted in and with a very loud voice at that.

'Are you all really my friends?' Xiao Bai facepalmed.

There's no helping it. There seems to be no place to back down especially that the trio already boasted about it.

"Then I'll go."

The three immediately made way for him but before he could take a step, his shoulder was gently grabbed. And a deep and low voice whispered in his ears, "Be careful."

Xiao Bai looked back and nodded at XuWei, "Thanks, but there's really no need to worry."

Xiao Bai took his sword which he took from his study and brought with him to the academy. It was a double edged sword with a silver handle and a red tassel swaying from it's tip. It was paired with a white scabbard adorned by silver carvings and diamonds.

Xiao Bai took a deep breath and proceeded to head down from the platform. Earlier the majority of the people didn't get to see who Gu YiCheng challenged but now that he finally descended the crowd couldn't help but boil with excitement.

Xiao Bai was a top-notcher in the exams and even get to say the welcoming speech in the opening ceremony so many of the freshmen from the crowd knows.

In addition to that he also excelled yesterday in their musical performances that gained him another fame to the seniors. No wonder Gu YiCheng find him annoying, this fellow is so talented that every eyes will be on him. Even now, just seeing him makes the crowd go wild.

Especially the females, they were even shouting that he was their male god and squeall to theirs hearts content. The same goes with some males.

"Damn, are you sure he's a man? He's more prettier than the campus princess." One of the male audience said.

"Yes, he is a man." The one beside him answered.

"That's too bad." The man answered dejectedly.

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