Chapter 3

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[Many years ago]

"Your highness, Grand general Zhao has arrived."

The head eunuch whispered to the emperor and replied that the grand general can enter.

Once the doors opened, it revealed a very muscular man with a very define face structure. Behind him followed two teens, one male and female.

They followed their father, the grand general, towards his highness' throne with caution not to disturb.

They bowed in front of the emperor and greeted at the same time, "Your Highness, the emperor, your subordinate greets you, and have come back alive from the frontline."

The emperor frowed, " Zhao LiWen, how many times did I told you that there's no need to be polite, we are disciples under the same teacher so we are basically brothers."

Zhao LiWen stood up and smiled towards the emperor, "Hahaha, you're still the same as ever~. By the way, I have bought my children today to ask your permission to marry them off. You see, they are already of age and I'm not getting younger as well."

The emperor eyed them and smiled towards Zhao LiWen, "Oh sure, let them come to me."

The two teens walked up to his highness and introduced theirselves.

"Greetings Your Highness, my name is Zhao FengSheng. I am the oldest son of the Zhao household."

"Greetings to you as well Your Highness, I am Zhao LuXuan."

"Hello to you Feng-er and Xuan-er. I am Wang HanYu. Just call me uncle yu.", the emperor introduced himself.

Wang HanYu, "so Feng-er, so do you have someone you fancy?"

Zhao FengSheng shrugged and said firmly, "sorry uncle Yu but I don't plan to marry someone. What I want is to accompany my father in the frontlines, I want to be a respected general just like him."

The emperor was surprised that the young man was very sensible and shot a glance towards his friend, LiWen, as if asking if he is allowing his child to be a soldier.

LiWen just helplessly smiled and nodded.

The emperor got his appoval and appointed Zhao FengSheng as a general and could train directly from the grand general himself. And as usual the eunuch would record his verdict as proof.

The emperor then put his attention to the young lady. Looking carefully, she was actually really pretty, a goddess in short.

Emperor, "how about this young lady, do you have someone that you fancy?"

Zhao LuXuan answered with her head down, "Unfurtunately uncle yu, but this lowly me doesn't have anyone in mind and wants the emperor to decide for me."

If someone else have said this, then it would sound that she has ulterior motives, knowing that the emperor would certainly pick a respectable and rich noble but when LuXuan said this it really sound like she is seeking for advice and giving full trust to the man.

The emperor stopped for a moment then said happily, "very well then, Zhao LuXuan in the day of the coronation if the crown prince, you shall bond with him as an empress."

The hall was quiet for a second then both the Zhao father and daughter knelt down and bowed.

LuXuan, "Uncle Yu, this lowly me doesn't deserve such kindness, please think carefully."

Zhao LiWen, "Yes HanYu, please think carefully. The empress position is not something that could be given casually."

The emperor was not angered by their action because he himself knew that it was ridiculous, " I know that Xuan-er is qualified enough to be an empress, she came from the house of the respected grand general who brought uncountable victories to our country, she also has a beauty that could overturn the kingdom, she is kind and humble, and I'm pretty sure smart like his father as well. Don't worry, his brother will be by her side when the time comes. Don't forget her brother is a future grand general."

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