Chapter 17

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"Have a pleasant day, young master." Xiao Bai nodded and smiled at uncle Nan and proceeded inside.

While walking towards the peace and tranquility room, many seniors and fellow freshmen greeted him. 'So this is how it feels to be famous, huh?' He thought. He never experienced being one anyway so the feeling is rather foreign.

From a few distance he saw XuWei sitting lazily the chinese scholar tree just a few distance from the room. Ruo lan was also beside him, but instead of being relaxed he seemed to be thinking of something. Xiao Bai ran towards them and greeted them good morning.

XuWei opened his eyes, "Good morning!"

Ruo lan, "Good morning Master Wang, I—how's ming xue?"

Xiao bai also sat down beside XuWei, "Ming xue is fine. He's not that weak. He'll wake up later...Oh you could come over to visit as well."

Although Xiao Bai used the word visit, Ruo Lan knew that it was for them to talk things out. Ruo Lan nodded and remained silent once again. They we're having some idle talks when Yang Wenshu passed by them, so the three stood up and greeted him.

"Good morning teacher Yang!"

Yang wenshu faced them and smiled, "Good morning. Now go back to the classroom, so we could start the class."

The three of them was about to go when Wenshu stopped Xiao Bai, "Student Wang and student Qin, please remain. I have something to discuss with you two."

XuWei and xiao bai remained to their position and Ruo Lan returned. Yang wenshu approached them, "Do you know what I want to discuss with the both of you?"

XuWei and xiao bai innocently looked at each other then back at Yang wenshu, "No we don't teacher yang." Xiao Bai answered.

Yang wenshu sighed, "Did the two of you really think that I didn't saw what happened yesterday?"

Xiao bai and xuwei guiltily lowered their heads, "We're sorry teacher Yang." XuWei was the one who answered this time since it was his fault in the first place.

Yang wenshu, "Duels like that are normal in here. I could also see that student ming's injury is not that serious.The both of you are new so you probably don't know. What I want to know is that, why do student Qin need to lie about student ming getting sick?"

XuWei awkwardly scratched his head, "I thought the school prohibits violence so —."

Yang wenshu cut him off, "Anyway. Duels are not prohibited but not to the extent of endangering one's life. Don't lie in the future and report honestly. "

XuWei and Xiao Bai, "Yes!"

Yang wenshu, "But that not the only thing I want to discuss. The Student Union's president, Zhou Zhineng, came to me yesterday to ask permission to scout the both of you to be a trial member of the council. Every year the council will choose outstanding freshmen to be a trial member and train them so when the seniors graduates the freshmen will do their responsibilities. Do you two want to accept?"

Xiao bai, " Yes."

Xuwei, " If xiao bai's in then I'm in."

Yang wenshu, " Okay, then at lunch break please do visit the Orchid room[1]."

Xuwei and Xiao bai, " We will."

Yang Wenshu then led them back inside and the class started.




Xiao bai was organizing his things when Xuwei tugged his sleeves, "Wang bai, do you have the school's map?"

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